360 Core: Library-Specific Holdings: Upload Status Errors
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
When we uploaded a file to our library-specific holdings, an error message appeared; what do the error messages mean?
The table below includes all possible errors that could occur after uploading a file with the library-specific holdings system, listed in alphabetical order:
Error Message |
Meaning and Suggested Action |
{Alphabetization} Invalid Alphabetization String
If the Language ID field has "JA" then there must be at least one character of hiragana or katakana in the Alphabetization field.
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
{Date} was not recognized as a date
The system expects dates to be in the MM/DD/YYYY format. However, any date formatted in an acceptable form (see Valid Date Formats) will be properly handled by the system, and exact dates will be converted to the MM/DD/YYYY format. Any date formatted in an unacceptable form won't be recognized as a date by the system; it will be saved with the file, but the system won't treat it as a real date.
The report is accepted.
{ISBN}: Bad ISBN Checksum
ISBN is properly formatted except for its checksum. Double-check the ISBN to make sure it is correct.
The report is accepted.
{ISSN}: Bad ISSN Checksum
ISSN is properly formatted except for its checksum. Double-check the ISSN to make sure it is correct.
The report is accepted.
{LanguageID} Invalid Language ID
The Language ID field must either be empty or have an appropriate language code (ZH-CN, ZH-TW, JA, or KO). If a field has an appropriate code, then the title in that row must contain at least one character of the identified language. The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted. |
{your entry} was not recognized as a Boolean value. Expect one of the following: true, T, yes, false, F, no.
The columns "Display Public Note" and "Display Location Note" can only have particular values, as shown in the error message. These are not case-sensitive, meaning the following also can be used: t, True, No, etc.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Bad column header
The system was not able to parse a list of columns or couldn't get a list of column headers by tab-separating. Review the report and ensure it is tab- or comma-separated.
The report is rejected.
Book is not a valid value for Type. Row was not uploaded.
If your library does not subscribe to 360 Core: eBooks, you don't need a column with the "Type" header. However, if you do include that column, those fields must either contain "Journal" or they must be empty.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Book-specific columns are ignored for journals.
If the Type field has "Journal" for a particular row, then any field specific to books (e.g., ISBN, Author, etc.) are ignored and not saved.
The report is accepted.
Control characters found and removed
Control characters are not allowed in any fields.
The report is accepted.
Different alphabetization already exists. Value did not change.
Someone else (either ProQuest or another library) has already set the alphabetization for that title and it is different than what you tried to set. (You can avoid this by downloading the latest version of your library-specific holdings database; see Uploading Titles) Contact us if you think the current Alphabetization is in error, using the Support Portal option near the top of this page.
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Different language ID already exists. Value did not change.
Someone else (either Serials Solutions or another library) has already set the Language ID for that title and it is different than what you tried to set. (You can avoid this by downloading the latest version of your library-specific holdings database; see Uploading Titles) Contact us if you think the current Language ID is in error, using the Support Portal option near the top of this page.
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Duplicate column header
Duplicate entries were found in column header. Review the report and eliminate duplicates.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Embedded HTML detected and removed
HTML tags have been found and stripped out.
The report is accepted.
Encountered unexpected error updating alphabetization value
Some other error occurred regarding alphabetization. Either upload the file again, or download the latest version of your library-specific holdings database (see Uploading Titles).
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Exceeded maximum length for {this field}. Truncating to {X} characters
Each field has a maximum character length:
Title: 256
Coverage Date: 500
Publisher: 200
Publication Date: 256
Edition: 50
Default URL: 2000
Author, Editor: 200
Public Note, Location Note: 500
If you don't want the system to truncate the field automatically, you'll need to edit the entry down to the maximum character length and upload the file again..
The report is accepted.
File contains no data
File contains a header but no other data. Review the report and ensure data is entered before loading.
The report is rejected.
File is empty
File contains no headers and is all empty. Review the report and ensure data is entered before loading.
The report is rejected.
Header contains no known columns
The system found a list of columns (headers) but none were recognized.
The report is rejected.
Invalid alphabetization
If you put JA or KO in the Language ID column (for Japanese or Korean), then the cell in the alphabetization column cannot contain any kanji characters.
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Invalid characters found and removed
Invalid characters include "#" (number sign), "^" (caret symbol), and "*" (asterisk).
The report is accepted.
Invalid file header
The system was not able to find anything at the beginning of the file that looks like the required list of columns.
The report is rejected.
Invalid ISBN
An ISBN10 must have 10 characters, the last one must be an "X", but the system doesn't care where (or if) there are hyphens. An ISBN13 must have 13 characters, although the system doesn't care where (or if) there are hyphens.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Invalid ISSN
An ISSN must have 8 characters. Hyphens are ignored.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Invalid Type
The only authorized entries for the type column are "Book" and "Journal."
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Journal-specific columns are ignored for books.
If the Type field has "Book" for a particular row, then any field specific to journals (e.g., ISSN, coverage dates, etc.) are ignored and not saved.
The report is accepted.
Missing Language ID
The Language ID field cannot be empty if the Alphabetization field is not empty.
The report is accepted, but the alphabetization information in the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Missing required column header
A required column is missing. (The Title column is required for all library-specific holdings files, as is the Type column for 360 eBook subscribers.)
The report is rejected.
No text present in column header
A column header was found with no text entered. All columns need text with known headers.
The report is accepted.
Not enough columns on this line
A line of the file has fewer columns of data than the number of column headers. Review columns.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
The {DateStart} is after {DateEnd}
Inversed start/end dates were found.
The report is accepted.
Title cannot be empty
Title value contains no data. Review your Title column.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Too many columns on this line
A line of the file has more columns of data than the number of column headers. Review columns.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Too many errors detected. Please verify your file
After the system detects a certain number of errors, it rejects the entire report.
The report is rejected.
Type field is required
If your library subscribes to 360 Core: eBooks, then you must have a column with the header "Type" and every row must have an entry in that column (either "Book" or "Journal").
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
Unknown column header
A non-empty column was found that is not on the list of columns we process.
The report is accepted.
Upload Status: Error: Thread was being aborted |
You have tried to upload a file that is too large.
You will need to break up the file into smaller files.
The report is rejected.
Upload Status: Rejected: Total size > xxx bytes |
You have tried to upload a file that is too large (more than 65 MB).
You will need to break up the file into smaller files.
The report is rejected.
URL is invalid.
URL entered is not a valid, fully-qualified URL. This could include no http:// prefix, etc. Review your URL column.
The report is accepted, but the row (line) where the error occurred is deleted.
- Date Created: 12-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 15-Dec-2020
- Old Article Number: 9938