360 MARC Updates: "Journal of Geophysical Research" title split
- Product: 360 MARC Updates
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The Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) has a long history. In addition to the main JGR entity, disciplinary subsections (for example, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres) were also made available to subscribers. From 1949-2012, cataloging conventions led the bibliographic community (including CONSER and the U.S. ISSN Center) to treat JGR and its subsections as one title. Despite this decision, many CONSER-authenticated records for the individual disciplinary subsections were created during this time period (and have been available to Serials Solutions clients).
In 2012, in conjunction with and at the request of the publisher of JGR, it was decided that the U.S. ISSN Center would create new CONSER-authenticated records for the individual disciplinary subsections. This decision was based on definitive input from the publisher which indicated that beginning in 2013 the subsections would become distinct titles, and would be made available with separate subscriptions and separate pagination.
The CONSER treatment of the Journal of Geophysical Research will reflect the main Journal of Geophysical Research record running from 1949-2012, at which point it will split into the disciplinary subsections. However, Serials Solutions also understands that many clients wish to continue to use records for the subsections made prior to 2012. Serials Solutions original records will be provided in lieu of the cancelled pre-2013 CONSER subsection records.
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- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7272