360 MARC Updates: Customizing Hosted 856 E-Journal Portal Results Page
- Product: 360 MARC Updates
Can my 360 MARC hosted 856 E-Journal Portal results page be customized?
We can customize your hosted 856 E-Journal Portal results page for you. We currently do not have a client-facing interface for this function, so please use the Submit a Case option near the top of this page so that our Support Team can assist.
"Before" (Hosted 856: Default)

"After" (Hosted 856: Customized)

There is one important point to consider before requesting changes to your hosted 360 MARC results page: By default, the hosted 856 results page looks like your E-Journal Portal page. Once we begin to make changes to the hosted 360 MARC results page, changes made to your E-Journal Portal interface will not automatically be carried over. You will need to contact us to make the same changes to your E-Journal Portal.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 3-Dec-2018
- Old Article Number: 7287