360 MARC Updates: E-Books Customization Forms
- Product: 360 MARC Updates
How can I customize my 360 MARC Updates for e-books?
We will be happy to customize your 360 MARC Records to include e-books records if your library subscribes to the E-Books for 360 MARC Updates module. (If you do not yet subscribe to the E-Books module, please contact your ProQuest Sales Representative for pricing information.)
If your library is part of a group subscription to 360 MARC Updates, use the E-Books Group Customization Form; otherwise use the E-Books Customization Form.
When you've completed the Form, send it back to us using the Support Portal option menu and select the following:
Product: 360 MARC Updates
Category: Customization Request
Category: Customization Request
Then attach the Customization Form to your request.
Customization Forms for Serials are available separately.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 29-Nov-2023
- Old Article Number: 7278