360 Resource Manager: Glossary of Terms
- Product: 360 Resource Manager
Is there a glossary of terms used in 360 Resource Manager?
This is a list of terms and definitions used by both 360 Resource Manager and, in some cases, 360 Counter. (360 Counter also has its own list of terms and definitions.)
Many of these terms come from the Report of the DLF ERM Initiative, which guided development of these two services. (DLF is the Digital Library Federation.)
Although the Report of the DLF ERM Initiative is no longer being updated, the Report is the one that was used to develop 360 Resource Manager and 360 Counter.
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Resource Renewal Fields (separate document)
License Management
License Name: The name assigned to the license agreement by the licensee - this can be anything that helps the person identify the license agreement.
Resource: The material covered in the license agreement.
License Type: The nature of the license agreement:
- "Click-on" or "Click-through" License: See Shrinkwrap Agreement below.
- Manifest Assent: A type of license that states that by using the licensed resources, the user is agreeing to abide by certain conditions.
- Negotiated: Certain terms of the agreement have already been worked out with the publisher.
- Shrinkwrap Agreement: A type of license that states that upon opening the product's packaging (software, in particular, is often packaged in a plastic wrap called "shrinkwrap"), the user is agreeing to abide by the license agreements that are inside the package. This term also covers "click-through" or "click-on" license agreements, which require the user to click on a button to confirm their acceptance of a particular software product before installing and using it.
Vendor License URL: The online location of the vendor license. Include the full URL syntax (for example, use http://www.mylibrary.edu/licenses/ instead of /licenses/). To open the location, copy the URL and paste it into your browser (clicking on the link in most cases is not sufficient).
Local License URL: The online location of the local license. Include the full URL syntax (for example, use http://www.mylibrary.edu/licenses/ instead of /licenses/). To open the location, copy the URL and paste it into your browser (clicking on the link in most cases is not sufficient).
Physical Location: Where the license physically exists (in what office, for example).
License Status: Current status in the workflow of the license:
- Active: The license is currently in effect.
- Pending: Not yet decided; the license is awaiting some action before going into effect.
- Retired: The license has terminated.
Reviewer: A person who reviews the license for the local institution.
Reviewer Notes: Any comments about the license, recorded by the reviewer.
License Replaced By: The license agreement that takes the place of a previous agreement.
License Replaces: The license agreement that came before the current agreement.
Execution Date: The date on which the license was signed, or otherwise confirmed by the licensee (for example, the click-through date on an online license).
Start Date: The date the license agreement goes into effect.
End Date: The date the license agreement terminates.
Advance Notice Date: The number of days before a license expires that a librarian is alerted to renew.
License Duration: The period of time that the license lasts.
License Note: Any extra comments about the license.
Authorized Users: Anyone who is, according to the license agreement, allowed to access the licensed materials.
Concurrent Users: The number of simultaneous users the license allows for one resource, or when shared across an interface.
Fair Use Clause Indicator: This clause affirms statutory fair use rights under US copyright law, or affirms that the agreement does not restrict the rights of the licensee or its user community under the copyright law. Fair use rights include, but are not limited to, printing, downloading, and copying.
Database Protection Override Clause Indicator: A clause that provides fair use protections within the context of assertions of database protection or additional proprietary rights related to database content not currently covered by U.S. copyright law. If the licensed materials are database, compilation, or collection of information, authorized users are permitted to use information contained in the database for educational, scientific, or research purposes. This includes using the materials for the purpose of illustration, explanation, example, comment, criticism, teaching, research, or analysis. The point of the Override Clause is to permit activities of this nature that otherwise may be prohibited in database protection law.
All Rights Reserved Indicator: This states that all rights not explicitly granted to the licensee in the agreement are retained by the licensor.
Citation Requirement Detail: A specification of the required or recommended form of citation.
Digitally Copy: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to download and digitally copy some portion of the licensed materials.
Print Copy: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to print some portion of the licensed materials.
Scholarly Sharing: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to share a portion of the licensed materials, in print or electronic form, with a third party.
Distance Learning: The right to use the licensed materials in distance education.
ILL Print or Fax: The right for the licensee to provide the licensed materials via ILL (interlibrary loan), in the form of print copies or fax transactions.
ILL Secure Electronic: The right for the licensee to provide the licensed materials via ILL (interlibrary loan) by way of secure electronic transmission.
ILL Record Keeping: The requirement to keep records of ILL (interlibrary loan) activity and provide reports to the licensor at periodic intervals, or upon request.
Course Reserve: The right for the licensor to make print or electronic copies for purposes of course instruction.
Electronic Link: The right for the licensor to link to the licensed material.
Course Pack Print: The right for the licensee to use the licensed materials in print collections (for example, a journal article or book chapter) compiled by faculty for classroom purposes.
Course Pack Electronic: The right for the licensee to use the licensed materials in electronic collections compiled by faculty for classroom purposes.
Remote Access: The right for an authorized user to access a licensed electronic resource from an offsite location (off-campus, for example).
Other Use Restrictions (Staff Note): Enter any extra notes about use restrictions not covered, for staff only to see.
Other Use Restrictions (Public Note): Enter any extra notes about use restrictions not covered, for the public to see.
Perpetual Access Right: The right to have permanent access to the licensed material, after the license has terminated.
Perpetual Access Holdings: The coverage dates for which ongoing access (after license termination) is agreed upon in the license agreement.
Perpetual Access Note: Enter any extra notes related to perpetual access.
Licensee Termination Right: The ability of the licensee to terminate access to a licensed resource during a contract period.
Licensee Termination Condition: The conditions that state when it's permitted for the licensee to terminate access to a licensed resource during a contract period.
Licensee Notice Period for Termination: The amount of advanced notice required before a licensee can terminate the contract.
Licensor Termination Right: The ability of a licensor to terminate an access to a licensed resource during a contract period.
Licensor Termination Condition: The conditions that state when it's permitted for a licensor to terminate access to a licensed resource during a contract period.
Licensor Notice Period for Termination: The amount of advanced notice required before a licensor can terminate the contract.
Termination Right Note: Enter any additional information about termination rights.
Termination Requirements: Any actions required to take place at the time of the contract's end.
Termination Requirements Note: Any clarifications on termination requirements.
Terms Note: Enter any notes about the agreement or license itself.
Local Use Terms Note: Enter any notes related to terms, for local use. This is particularly helpful for consortia libraries, where there are additional terms, not covered above, that apply to the local library.
Governing Law: The jurisdiction whose law will be applied in the event of a dispute over the license agreement.
Governing Jurisdiction: Enter the name of the venue or jurisdiction to be used in the event of an alleged breach of contract.
Applicable Copyright Law: If a national copyright law is agreed to in the contract, refer to the copyright law here.
Cure Period for Breach: In the event of a breach of contract, this is the amount of time the contractor has to cure the breach in order to continue the agreement. Otherwise, it is terminated.
Renewal Type: Specify whether the renewal of the license agreement is automatic or explicit (meaning renewal details must be stated).
Non-Renewal Notice Period: If the licensee does not wish to renew the subscription, this is the amount of time they have to give advanced notice before renewal time. Note: This is only necessary if the renewal type is automatic.
Archiving Right: The right for the licensee to permanently keep an electronic copy of the licensed materials.
Archiving Format: The format of the archived material.
Archiving Note: Enter any extra notes related to archiving rights, content, or format.
Pre-Print Archive Allowed: The ability for the institution (or licensee) to archive an article that is pre-refereed.
Pre-Print Archive Conditions: The conditions that state when it's permitted to archive pre-refereed material.
Pre-Print Archive Restrictions: The time period for any delay on the licensed material.
Pre-Print Archive Note: Enter any extra notes related to the pre-print conditions and restrictions.
Post-Print Archive Allowed: The ability for the institution (or licensee) to archive an article that is post-refereed.
Post-Print Archive Conditions: The conditions that state when it's permitted to archive post-refereed material.
Post-Print Archive Restrictions: The time period for any delay on the licensed material.
Post-Print Archive Note: Enter any extra notes related to the post-print conditions and restrictions.
Incorporation of Images, Figures, and Tables Right: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to incorporate images, figures, and tables into educational materials, such as for use in a classroom. For example, a set of PowerPoint slides may be uploaded into a learning management system.
Incorporation of Images, Figures, and Tables Note: This is a free-text field that can contain any notes about incorporating images, figures, and tables into educational materials.
Public Performance Right: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to use the licensed materials for public performance. This may include express language permitting or prohibiting use of materials in any kind of public performance, such as showing a video in a public setting like a classroom.
Public Performance Note: This is a free-text field that can contain any notes about public performance rights.
Training Materials Right: The right of the licensee (and other authorized users) to use the licensed materials for training purposes. This may include express language permitting or prohibiting use of materials, such as screen captures of electronic resources for training, or instructional content like a wiki page that is not a typical teaching environment.
Training Materials Note: This is a free-text field that can contain any notes about training-materials rights.
Access: The right to gain entry to a digital resource.
Breach of Contract: The breaking of license agreement terms, or failure to comply with the terms.
Confidentiality: Restrictions on the sharing of terms of the license agreement.
Disclaimer: A legal statement that preemptively denies responsibility for a particular action or condition.
End-user: The individual or organization who actually accesses and uses the electronic resource.
Fair Use: The right to use copyrighted materials for certain purposes (such as criticism, news, teaching, scholarship, and research) as covered in the United States Copyright Act.
Force Majeure: Literally, "greater force." Clause that protects one or both parties from liabilities in case of an event beyond their control (such as natural disasters, wars, riots, etc.).
Indemnity: One party's agreement to defend another party against claims by third parties regarding the agreement.
Infringement: Unauthorized copying or use of material protected by a copyright law.
Non-Transferable: The license agreement itself - or the rights, obligations, and terms of the agreement - may not be shared in any way with a third party. (For example, a library may not give access to the licensed materials to another library).
Nondisclosure: An agreement to treat specific information confidentially. See Confidentiality.
Refereed: Reviewed by an expert, or panel of experts, in the field.
Subscription: A type of agreement that states that the licensee pays a periodic fee to access electronic materials.
Termination: The end or cancellation of the license agreement.
Third Party: A party who is neither a licensor or licensee to the agreement, but who may or may not have rights related to the agreement.
Unauthorized User: A person who, according to the license agreement, is not allowed to access or use the licensed electronic materials. Or, anyone who is not an Authorized User.
Vendor Statistics Management
Local Archive Location: Where the client keeps the archived Vendor Statistics file, either electronically (shown with a path or URL to the file), or a physical location (a particular office, for example).
Project COUNTER: A project designed to set international standards for the recording and exchange of online usage reports. http://www.projectcounter.org.
Data Set Name: Name of this Vendor Statistics Data Set, entered by your library.
Standards Compliance: Indicate with which standards your data set complies.
Delivery Method: Indicate by which method the statistics are delivered.
Format: Indicate in which format the statistics are delivered.
Frequency: Select the frequency of file delivery.
AccessURL: Online location where you can access or create the files.
Login: Login information for accessing the files.
Password: Password information for accessing the files.
Default Recipient Account: To set up a default value for this field, visit Settings under Manage Your Library, on the Client Center Home Page.
Custom Recipient Account: Recipient account entered by your library.
Default Alternate Delivery Email: If the files are emailed, visit Settings under Manage Your Library, on the Client Center Home Page, to set up a default value for this field.
Custom Alternate Delivery Email: Alternate delivery email address entered by your library.
Local Archive Location: Physical location of the local archive.
Note about the data set, entered by your library.
Cost Management Fields
Fiscal Year: Fiscal year that the payment data is entered against. It allows for historical tracking.
Payment ID: Serials Solution's unique identifier for the specific payment.
Payment Type: Identifies the kind of payment; for example, a Supplemental Invoice. (This pull-down menu will be blank by default; values can be modified in the Payment Type Menu of the Menus tool.)
Local Currency: The currency used by the country in which the library resides. Can be changed in Library Settings > Other Settings.
Payment Amount (Local Currency): The amount paid by the library in the local currency. If the library pays for the resource with a currency other than the local currency, then put the converted amount in this field. This field was formerly called, "Cost to Library." Payments entered in this field will appear on the left side of a Details page if the "Include in Total" box is checked.
Transaction Currency Code: Select the currency in which payment was made.
Payment Amount (Transaction Currency): The amount paid by the library in the currency in which payment was made.
Include in Total for Year: Indicate if this payment is to be included in the total payments for the year.
Invoice Date: Date of invoice from publisher, provider, or agent.
Invoice Number: Invoice number from publisher, provider, or agent.
Order Number: Number assigned to the purchase order of a product.
Payee: Vendor entity that the client pays for access to the resource. (Values can be modified in the Payment Payee Menu of the Menus tool.)
Payer(s): Library-defined organization or department making payment. (Values can be modified in the Payment Payer Menu of the Menus tool.)
Renewal Date Advance Notice: Number of days required for advanced notice of a renewal decision date.
Renewal Decision Date: Date on which the decision to renew a subscription must be made.
Purchase Renewal Date: Date on which the subscription will expire if not renewed.
Termination Date: Date on which the subscription was terminated.
Termination Reason Note: Description of termination reason.
List Price: Retail price of resource before any discounts.
Discount On Price: Discount in price or in pricing formula.
Price Cap: Maximum percentage of annual increase in a multi-year agreement.
Pricing Model: Description of the fee structure.
Consortia Name: Name of the consortia that the resource was purchased from. (Values can be modified in the Payment Payer Menu.)
Consortial Agreement Indicator: Indicates whether an acquisition falls under a multiparty agreement that uses the same license for all parties.
Print Cancellation Restriction Indicator: Indicator that a print component must be purchased for electronic access.
Print Cancellation Note: Additional information about specific cancellation restrictions for print versions of electronic titles covered by the license.
Publisher Reference ID: Reference number from the publisher or provider generally needed to activate an electronic subscription.
Local System Reference ID: Reference number for the resource in a library management system or ILS.
Subscription ID: Unique reference number for a subscription, generally provided by an agent.
General Note field
Fund 1 ID: Description of the fund or budget code.
Fund 1 Amount: Amount charged to this fund or budget code.
Administration Fields
Date of Acquisition: Date on which you acquired the subscription.
Date of Renewal: Date on which you renew the subscription (this can also be recorded in the Cost section).
Default Admin Module URL: Online location to access the Administration/Configuration information for a resource. This is often where staff log in to change default settings, link resolver/library catalog links, and sometimes usage statistics. The default URL is an inherited value.
Custom Admin Module URL: The URL entered by your library at this particular level.
Default Admin Login Password: Login information for Admin Module. The default information is an inherited value.
Admin Login: Login ID for Admin Module, entered by your library at this particular level.
Admin Password: Password for Admin Module, entered by your library at this particular level.
Default Admin Support URL: Online location for instructions, documentation, or help for using the Admin Module. The default URL is an inherited value.
Custom Admin Support URL: The URL entered by your library at this particular level.
Default End-User Help URL: Online location for help documentation for the end user. The default URL is an inherited value.
Custom End-User Help URL: The URL entered by your library at this particular level.
Default End-User Login Password: Login information for the end user. The default information is an inherited value.
End-User Login: Login ID for the end user, entered by your library at this particular level.
End-User Password: Password for the end user, entered by your library at this particular level.
Resource Note: Note about Administration information.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 16-Feb-2016
- Old Article Number: 7370