360 Resource Manager: Examining Data and Determining Priorities
- Product: 360 Resource Manager
How do I begin to set up our 360 Resource Manager system?
360 Resource Manager is an extremely customizable product, and there is often more than one "right" way to use it. Before entering information, it is best to examine the needs of your library to determine the best way to implement the service. Examine the data you currently have for your resources and determine what information you would like to track in the system. When making these decisions, also consider your workflow and who will be using the information. This is an opportunity to examine your entire e-resource management workflow and related policies; you can then make changes in workflow and choose how and where information is tracked. Ask the following questions to staff (and perhaps patrons) throughout the library:
- What information do you need to track - for patrons and for staff?
- Who uses this information? Who should be using this information?
- What would you like to tell your patrons? (This information needs to be entered in fields that will display in the E-Journal Portal.)
- What works well?
- What needs improvement?
- Where are there gaps in your workflow?
As you think about initial and ongoing data entry, ask these questions about the structure of the data and resources available for data entry:
- Which fields are required? Desired? Not needed at this time?
- Are there collections of resources that fall outside the provider/database/journal framework?
- Is there standard language to be used?
- What are the priorities for data entry?
- Who has the time and skills for data entry?
Talk to all of your stakeholders and get feedback about their needs. Keep their answers in mind as you explore 360 Resource Manager and determine the implementation plan that will maximize results at your library.
A sample workflow diagram can be found in Electronic Resource Management Report of the DLF ERM Initiative.
New clients can also take advantage of our Data Population Service.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7376