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    360 Core: HILCC Subject Browsing in E-Journal Portal

    • Product: E-Journal Portal

    Where can I learn more about your the HILCC Subject Browsing hierarchy?

    This document discusses the Hierarchical Interface to Library of Congress Classification (HILCC) subject browsing capabilities of the E-Journal Portal. The E-Journal Portal also provides the option of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which is discussed here.
    Why does ProQuest use the HILCC classification-system subject hierarchy?

    We investigated possible options and selected one that leverages the work of librarians at one of the best institutions in the world -- Columbia University -- to provide superior results for you and your patrons.
    The system uses the Library of Congress Classification Numbers to associate journals with the hierarchy. Based closely on Columbia University's HILCC, the new hierarchy gives us the ability to modify and enhance it using feedback from our library community. For more details, see HILCC Sort by Categories (
    Cornell University also contributed to research and real-world experience in the development of LC classification as a browseable hierarchy.
    How does the HILCC hierarchy benefit our library?
    The combination of Columbia University's work on HILCC and our holdings information presents you and your patrons with superior subject browsing capabilities. You and your patrons can view all of the journals you have available within a given field, such as accounting, biology, etc.
    Can we customize the hierarchy?
    Not at this time.

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 10-Aug-2016
    • Old Article Number: 7111
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