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    Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    The database .. appears to be unavailable” & “not a valid database name"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Our OPAC link is We have a physical SUN01 library and a virtual SUN01pub base (which prevents suppressed records from displaying in the OPAC).

    We have recently discovered that when searching the sun01pub catalogue via Endnote, we get error messages such as “The database sun01pub appears to be unavailable” and “not a valid database name”. When we change the connection file settings for our catalogue in Endnote to sun01, the search works fine.

    The implications of having sun01 instead of sun01pub in the Endnote conf file is that our suppressed records will be accessible to which we don’t like.

    [From Christine Moulen, MIT:]

    You need a separate z39.50 configuration file for each base you want users to be able to search.

    z39_server_MIT01.conf will search our entire catalog.
    z39_server_MIT01PUB.conf searches the public base.

    Do you have this setup? The content of the files can be exactly the same, unless you have some reason for differences.

    [From site:] yes, we didn’t have a separate z39.50 configuration for sun01pub until yesterday.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013