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- Answers as provided by our product analysts, to commonly raised questions.
- "." should not be included in the PATH variable
- "Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)" - multiple items
- "apachectl start" doesn't start apache; Red Hat test page appears; "httpd -k start" processes
- "Can't create Shipping Cash transaction" error in Photocopy Requests in Circulation GUI
- "Citation year" and "citation pages" fields don't map correctly in ILL request from Alma site (to Aleph)
- "Corrupt installation detected" installing gui500.exe
- "Create Hold Request" default date
- "csh" and "dlib" commands give error: "Execute master cshrc; Variable syntax"
- "Derive new record", settings in tab fix new
- "Directory does not exist" messages written repeatedly to sqlnet.log
- "Duplicate barcode" message when duplicating item for particular serial title
- "Error in From Date" for OPAC hold request after upgrade from v20
- "Error parsing Find Request" in GUI Multi-field search after using Clear button
- "Failed to find ADM-BIB relation"
- "Failed to read reply" for Tech Services -- with multiple users per port
- "Failed to stop WEB Services server. please deactivate it manually."
- "Filesize limit exceeded" -- **MASTER RECORD**
- "LC" call numbers with alphabetic class "numbers"
- "Library is not ADM type"
- "License will expire in x days" - Updating Aleph license
- "Message length" and "data block length" values in the pc_server_nnnn.log
- "No template exists named patron-address-direct" (in general)
- "Owes money - ...." error prevents loan but patron's Cash shows nothing owed
- "Permission denied" trying to ftp Upgrade Express kit
- "Pickup sublibrary does not exist" (in Aleph Web OPAC)
- "Record does not exist" message after Z39.50 search
- "Renew Order Encumbrance (p_acq_06)": pre-processing and back-up
- "Retrieve Catalog Records (ret-01)" only provides about 431.000 records out of 4.000.000 records
- "Role" errors in importing demo libraries
- "Segmentation fault" in indexing jobs (and other jobs which build cycles files)
- "setenv word_queue Y" in one library sets it for all libraries
- "source aleph_start" hangs
- "System is overloaded, try again" for OPAC searches (due to clock change)
- "s+" gets "Bad ! arg selector" response
- "The IBM Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the IBM Cognos BI server" when trying to login to ARC
- "The Object doesn't exist" occurs when trying to display an (ADAM) Digital Object in the OPAC
- "Unable to find Global Patron Information" -- missing z308 type 00 or type 01
- "Unable to find global patron information" -- z303 segmentation fault
- "Unable to find id" errors for message.dat in Print Daemon
- "Unable to find local patron information"
- "update_cursor3 z41x" errors
- "URL Check (print-11)" shows lots of errors
- "User is expired" message for staff member in GUI
- "User name jsmith does not exist" message trying to connect to USMnn
- $$6 subfield lost when large 880 fields are split
- $$7 (item process status) field not being included in PST field
- $$k subfield omitted from z30_call_no on notices and in OPAC Items list
- $1000 - $1400 placeholders in ./www_f_eng/item-hold-request-head
- $5 subfield missing from 810_xx_eng.html, 811_xx_eng.html, 830_xx_eng.html
- $alephe_root/aleph_start.tml missing
- $base_demo_lib ... no_such_symbol
- $http_proxy for "Create Thumbnail or Full Text (adam-05)"
- $KEEP_LOGDIR and removal of www_server logs older than x days
- <library> is not in WORD_STARTUP_LIBS, ACC_AUT_STARTUP_LIBS, etc.
- <MG> Arrival Date filter in ret-adm-01
- <MG> Holding Record automatic creation of 852 subfields
- <z13-call-no> field empty or contains bib data for three reports
- [err] ue_11_read_cen_record: unknown status of cen_library=XXX18 in ue11 log
- 'booking list' is blank
- 'Edit Actions' and 'Edit Text' mouse functions
- 'Error unlocking record' when trying to save a doc record
- 'Pages/Part' and 'Article Author' fields do not display in Web OPAC
- 'Record updated by another user' messages
- 'Results for ....' in OPAC short list contains wrong spelling
- 'Select row' in Opac short list
- 'System is overloaded" message, but active users not exceeding MAX-WEB-USERS
- 'xsl file missing' or 'xsl parse error'
- 'You are not authorized to get the logger for this order' error message when trying to access the order log for older orders
- 'Z07H_TRIGGER_1' does not exist; ABC01.Z07H ... table or view does n
- '�TE-M001' for previous year doesn't work
- (ASP) Printing or viewing results after running p_ret_01
- (ASP site:) How to tell if a batch job ran successfully
- **Request's Send Method is illegal** processing held items from other libraries
- **What bases should be in the z0102 table?**
- What is the VIR01 library?
- *How to* locate and re-index bib records updated since x date?
- *lc_call_no* tab_filing routine *MASTER RECORD*
- *Master* Oracle Tables Document -- List for Tables with No Regular Z-Table Doc
- *Master record for search problems resulting from clear_vir01 problems*
- ... debug mode is off"
- ... fatal: open failed: No such file or directory"
- ... In order to update profile, personal profile needs to be deleted first."
- .circtabprint.ini CashWaiveLetter
- .htaccess files don't work; how to block IP access in Apache
- .mov files not working in default WMP
- 001 field: is it needed? indexed?
- 001 fields, creating them and overlaying with them *MASTER RECORD*
- 005 field with today's date in bib records deleted with "total delete"
- 0172 Patron is not allowed to borrow items from this status in tab_check_circ
- 020 field subfield $$q does not appear when adding an order
- 099 call numbers "inherit" extra subfields in batch loads
- 1" displays in front of Spring, Fall, etc., in the Course doc Full display
- 13-digit ISBN's: validation, indexing/retrieval, and the 024 field
- 13-digit ISBNs -- indexing/retrieval
- 15.2 apache installation documentation
- 18-19 upgrade: old table z77 does not match expected (z77_vat_code)
- 18-19 upgrade: An error has occured while upgrading z73 in xxx30
- 18-19 Upgrade: table z07p does not exist in abc00
- 2-character codes (sy, ni, etc.) in "top" display
- 20.1.1 p_publish_06: "Param Initialization Failure"
- 20.1 change to Aleph Keyboard
- 20.1 service pack contains a minor bug regarding circulation due dates.
- 20.1 util sp: view implementation notes: "Service pack not yet installed"
- 20.2.6 SP - JBoss question
- 260 Field Cataloging Error Messages Split Into 2 Lines
- 264 field not keyword-searchable
- RDA field 264 not sent by EDI
- 2nd. Web Server?
- 2 different outputs for hold-request-01
- 3M Book Sorting Equipment Commands
- 401 Unauthorized" in JBOSS
- 785 field performing bad ISSN search instead of TTL
- 830 Field for the scancode Table
- 856-links from AUT records in OPAC
- 856 field in full view web OPAC not displaying as expected.
- 856 field in Web display
- 856 field of the Holding record in the OPAC full view
- 856 Links generating "Internal error: No Viewer defined or doesn't exist."
- 85X Type and Linking Number Missing in Item Record
- 866 subfield x (nonpublic note) displays in OPAC
- 9-Digit zip codes missing a digit in patron record
- 99 level supplier not added automatically
- A-tree files not updated by Minor Release 20.2 - RC3030
- a010 and a022 Labels in Format 002
- ABC01 "Library not accessible"; p_manage_102: "Oracle error: fetch z00"
- abc01 ue_01 taking 1.5 minutes to process each z07
- ABC20 is defined in incorrect tablespace - how can we correct?
- ABC50 "get defaults" not working
- abc50 batch queue not working properly
- ABC50 item records not linked to HOL records after upgrade to v18
- ABC60 HOL record does not stay connected to ABC04 bib record
- abc60 Z13U user def - data not retained in database
- Ability to display acq and serial information in batch service acq-03
- Ablage-Funktion bei Druckereinstellung 'Vorschau'
- Able to Place Holds on Ineligible Items in Primo
- Acceptable types of barcodes and scanners for use with Aleph
- Accessing server via GUI without use of IP address
- Access rights for adding and modifying an order
- Access to ADAM object restricted by IP address?
- Access to database of scripts
- Access to OAI data
- Accidentally started aleph as "root": blank page in Web; missing z66/z67
- Accrued fines not displaying (rep_change #2015)
- Achtung [900] Kommunikation gestört
- Acq-02 / acq-03 report omits certain titles.
- acq-05: Budgets not created for certain sublibraries
- Acq-06: "Error: Unable to read Z76 record"
- acq-17: "File size too large"
- acq-17: " Oracle error: fetch z30 ... variable not in select list"
- acq-17 retrieving Orders for Non-Active Budgets
- Acq-21 Banner/FRS Export Service error
- acq-24: "Order Number 2 is invalid, missing, or already exists"
- acq-31: Execution error:... b_acq_31_a.gnt
- acq-arrival-message-00, add field DRL (BIB link)
- acq-edi-load-log files missing from ./xxx01/form_eng after 20.2.8 Service Pack
- Acquisitions: Is it possible to set defaults for creating new vendors?
- Acquisitions - General ADM and Orders Creation (acq-24)": How is the vendor assigned when there are several vendors with identical account number?
- Acquisitions - Sending order arrival notification to initiator by email
- Acquisitions and Cataloging font too small
- Acquisitions bulk arrival process
- Acquisitions Error Message: "Mismatch between order's unit and vendor's order unit"
- Acquisitions staff can not place orders OR indexing does not work properly
- Acquistions GUI Module
- Acqusitions bulk arrival slips - notification to initiator
- ACQ - adm and acq notes
- ACQ - currency ratio
- acq budget with bib info
- Acq client crashes in displaying particular order (or associated invoice)
- Acq GUI "Index List" labels not in .Acqtabxxxwindow.dat
- ACQ Index Doesn't Work: "server failed to execute request after 60 seconds"
- ACQ module, trigger list
- ACQ module closes after sending an order to the printer
- ACQ privileges (Send button)
- ACQ request, similar title
- ACQ requests - Aleph RESTful APIs
- Acq Services - p_acq_02 - oracle error message for z68
- Actions in update_bor
- Activated the Services menu but still denied access
- Active due dates in circulation showing a due date of 20380119
- Active due date not displayed in holds list
- Active Supplier Request Number from Borrowing (Integrated ILL)
- adam-07: Where is the information coming from?
- ADAM-ALEPH, restrict access by IP address
- ADAM: Different options for full text indexes
- ADAM: How to use expand_doc_index_from_z403
- ADAM - automatic clean up of directory $aleph_dev/apache_media
- ADAM - Full text search not working
- ADAM character conversion of Danish characters
- ADAM default number of objects (max_no_storage_files )
- ADAM digital objects from PC and web
- ADAM fulltext index after upgrade to Aleph 20 corrupted
- ADAM full text index is not working
- ADAM full text index vs word index
- ADAM indexing, blanks in the document
- ADAM indexing of URL objects does not work and reports error
- ADAM objects, type wmv, not displayed in OPAC
- ADAM objects (=pdf files) will not be indexed in Primo
- ADAM objects - add a new file extension and viewer
- ADAM objects are not displayed in OPAC brief list
- ADAM object display not working because of corrupt link
- ADAM object not displaying in GUI and/or WEB
- ADAM object rotation
- Adam object size - questions
- ADAM scan jobs: What is the number in field SCJ$$h?
- ADAM Thumbnails no longer displayed in PRIMO
- Adding "alldocuments not wst=suppressed" to your library's tab_base entry.
- Adding "OPAC notes" / "Circ notes" to the Paging slip / Hold slip
- Adding "UPD" field to authority records
- Adding "UPD N" to Imported Authority Records
- Adding "UPD Y" to Subject Authority Records; "UPD N" to Other Authority Records
- Adding "z30_note_internal" in Retrieve by for "ret-adm-01" service.
- Adding 655-1 to fix routine (MAB)
- Adding 866_0 fields to ARC
- Adding Additional ID's with Fast Patron Registration
- Adding alternate patron ID field to Cash Export Report
- Adding an 001 field with the ALEPH SYSNO for Z39.50 record presentation
- Adding an URL for an ADAM digital_object in the bibliographic record
- Adding a comma before subfield $$x using a fix
- Adding a document caused all docs to disappear from all courses in GUI
- Adding a library to the Access Rights Tree
- Adding a new index in Order Index List (ACQ)
- Adding a new item material type
- Adding a new tag for indexing
- Adding a New XSL Template or Report Format to the GUI Services Menu (v17 )
- Adding a STA field to specific records
- Adding call number to Include BIB/HOL data display ("Holdings Info" column)
- Adding COLLECTION=Y Parameter to X-AVAIL Routine
- Adding or deleting columns to pc_tab_col.lng
- Adding consecutive spaces in cataloging draft
- Adding COR and UPD fields to authority records in batch load
- Adding datafile to tablespace in Two-Task set-up
- Adding data elements to pc_tab_exp_field.lng
- Adding data to existing model?
- Adding different types of units in Aleph -- Master Record
- Adding direct link to SDI email in "Opac Format"?
- Adding Due Hour on the GUI Circ - Items list
- Adding fields to Header Configuration?
- Adding fields to print in p-ill-01
- Adding indexes to item search bar in Cataloging
- Adding more than one fix routine to a service?
- Adding new collection code
- Adding new field to tab11_acc in AUT library
- Adding new Item Process Status
- Adding new OBJECT-CODE to pc_tab_exp_field.lng
- Adding new PC: server_ip_allowed, tab_attr_sub_library, & firewall
- Adding new sort to cir-04
- Adding Oracle temp space for ARC (ETL failure)
- Adding Order Status Date (Z68-ORDER_STATUS_DATE_X) to Order Index
- Adding Order Status Date -- or other fields -- to Order Index
- Adding patron name to patron-owes SQL
- Adding periods to name headings
- Adding port to Services > General > Restart servers menu
- Adding report formats to print-08
- Adding SAF (Subject Authority File) to z39.50
- Adding standard text to GUI Circ Patron emails
- Adding subfields to pc_tab_short.eng
- Adding substring of z76-budget-number form acq-full-inv-info.xsl
- Adding util a/17/1 to the job_list
- Additional copyright-notice for ADAM object
- Additional IDs in the Patron List (cir-05) report
- Additional items" Are Not Shown and Cannot be Moved to Another BIB Record
- Additional order no.2 does not displaying the correct value
- Additional Patron ID Needed on Notices
- Additional tree branches exist"
- Additional Zip code in printouts
- Additions to aleph_start not taking effect
- Addition of ISSN or ISBN in orders created from file-96
- Addressing the p_file_96 problem prior to the August v20 Minor Release
- Address date in my personal settings
- Address is the adm library, not the patron's home library
- Add "Material Format" ERM to the General Retrieval Form in Acquisition module(acq-02-01)
- Add "Sort Level 2" to cir-05
- Add 020 $$z to Indexes
- Add an IP Address to Access Ex Libris Products Through Hosted Server Firewall
- Add a Direct link to Different User Pages
- Add a MARC field for Cataloging
- Add a search choice in GUI for Item processing status
- Add Book Cover Photo from Google to Short View Results in Web OPAC
- Add clickable URL column to OPAC Brief List
- Add collection code from item record to holdings record
- Display previous result in Web OPac
- Add date extension to output file in the job_list
- Add Entries to expand_doc_bib_z30
- Add Item Process Status to Item Records Imported Using manage-50?
- Add library address information to a bilingual form in Aleph
- Add more specific formats in Aleph / FMT-tags and connection to tab25.lng
- Add multiple items when cataloging new CRS doc from within "Catalog New" form
- Add New Field to Full and Link View
- Add new field to the short format options (951-998) for the OPAC
- Add new file to report Report Format in ret-adm-03
- Add New ILS Location to Primo Library Codes
- Add new payment status for EDI invoices
- Add New Tag Information about new filed in the catalog module
- Add New Value to "Choose Subfield Text" Option in GUI (CTRL F8)
- Add Patron Name to Salutation in Circulation Letters to Patron
- Add subfield to the display of "seen from" reference in the OPAC
- Add to Parallel Indexing doc:"Determine If Files Need To Be Added To Tablespace"
- Add z39_gate and z39_server to p_sys_01
- Adjacency doesn't work with ADJACENCY_TYPE = 0
- Adjacency search
- Adjacency search or phrase search?
- Adjusting indexing so punctuation doesn't affect sorting (in Browse index)
- Administrative library YYY30 points to current doc with link type ITM
- Administrator Login for ARC
- ADM file_list - Do these tables belong there?
- adm_libs.dat, hol_libs.dat, util m/7, and library relation
- ADM number different on BIB than the correct ADM with order information
- ADM records display in Cataloging navigation pane, but get "Record does not exis
- ADM records not visible
- ADM record accidentally deleted and ACQ Order says bib not found
- ADM record auto-created when pushing from ITEMS to BIB in multi-ADM environment
- ADM record deletion after replication
- Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)" truncates barcode at 15 characters
- Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90): Fix Routine during Merge
- Advanced Vendor Loader, last-loader-log-no
- Advance booking with multiple libraries
- Advance booking “Unable to allocate available slot” error
- After 18-19 Upgrade Express, xxx50 courses display but Course Doc List does not
- After adding Suppressed to bib record, cannot see record in GUI
- After Aleph 18-20 upgrade I get no records in Z0102 Setup - Library Report
- After applying new service pack, GUI gets "failed to read reply"
- After applying the oracle patch ora_software backup failed
- After changing port from 9882 to 80 www_server still trying to connect on 8992
- After compile_all: error :../load_library_relation.gnt'; file access permissions
- After copying z66/z67 from Production to Test staff logins do not work on Test
- After downloading upgrade package can I assume I'm up to date with CPU as well
- After encumbering records emcumbrance price is still the same
- After exporting z66 prod to test: "password not verified on connectable hosts"
- After implementing Aleph SP 21.1.3 / 21.1.4 OvP stopped working
- After implementing v21 rep_change 2340 get_buf_z36_doc.gnt still occurs
- After Installing BIAF Label In Windows 7 Barcodes Do Not Print
- After installing Service Pack 22.1.05 (2304), Aleph is looking for files mail-xxx instead of the correct printing files
- After installing SP: Aleph <module> has encountered a problem and needs to close
- After installing v21 Minor Release (SP 2278), Version Check doesn't work
- After install of 20.2.4 Service Pack: "item not on loan" trying to renew item
- After making corrections described in KB 16384-61809, AIK step 3.4 still fails
- After migrating to Aleph 23 the OPAC is unavailable "Service temporarily unavailable"
- After Migration to Aleph 21: edit/create course in course reading interface no longer possible
- After OCLC change to 9 digits: still receiving 8-digit numbers
- After oclc load, can't see previous Catalogers
- After password change of ARC users, automatic reports run in an error
- After p_manage_05: number indexes (Government doc., Dewey, OCLC) not working.
- After p_manage_102 against complete LC authorities, z01_acc_sequence very high
- After p_manage_21 in abc60, wsl search in abc01 stills retrieves old value
- After replacing disk: "error code: 9/033 (ANS74),... 33 Physical I/O error"
- After RTA : only one collection displays for each sublibrary
- After running batch index jobs, ue_01 is reindexing the whole database
- After Running p_manage_01, Keyword Searches Get No Results
- After running p_manage_01: “The requested base/library is not accessible now.”
- After running p_manage_02, no titles display in the OPAC Browse
- After running p_manage_102/p_manage_02 headings index lost authority enrichment
- After tab22 edit ARC ETL isn't passing changes
- After tablespace full: record not found; response slow; results out of order.
- After Updating Index Tables: "Request is beyond last heading in ACCess file"
- After upgrade, items/orders attaching to wrong bib record
- After Upgrade Express, OPAC gets: "503: Service Temporarily Unavailable"
- After Upgrade Express: "Unable to create new Local Patron"; "fetch z305" error
- After upgrade to 22.1.2 - Aleph Circulation crashes when printing hold request letter after loan return
- After upgrade to Aleph Service Pack 23.3.3 (4062) - search in acquisitions module fails
- After upgrade to RH 6.6: SunOne LDAP server can not be started
- After upgrade to version 20: "The page cannot be displayed"
- After upgrade to version 22 and higher, the SFX button does not display in Full View
- After upgrading customized reports to ARC 4.5 execution of reports fails with error 'RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWith Options' status='-201' '
- After upgrading the GUI to Service Pack 21.1.07 the users cannot connect (Error: global -5 'cannot connect to server')
- After upgrading to Aleph 23 and Oracle 12c the Oracle user ABC50 is regularly locked
- After upgrading to v22: "Order does not exist for this record" error message in GUI
- After upgrading to v22: "Unable to find item" error message in GUI
- After v20 SP 3356: "'Aleph Circulation has stopped working." on search
- After v20 Upgrade Express: "Unable to write course"
- After v21 SP 2638: "Failed to read reply" trying to connect to server with GUI
- AIK21 - Step 3.5
- AIK22.20150126, step 1.1: "Logging in as ver221 ... Login incorrect"
- AIK:Listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
- AIK: "-bash: csh: command not found"
- AIK: "Checking short host name on loopback : [FAULT]"
- AIK: "connection to the database aleph20 via listener hasn't been established"
- AIK: "Error: Failed during alephe relocation - drop user"
- AIK: "Error: The /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11 user doesn't exist"
- AIK: "Oracle Installation Type" "Local" not accepted
- AIK: "The files /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/ora11_linux64.tar.gz_* do not exist"
- AIK: "/usr/bin/nslookup: No such file or directory"
- AIK: "/usr/bin/wget: No such file or directory"
- AIK: "Wrong User, aleph user required, exits" in
- AIK: Cannot find DB Source description file / generated by executing - sdbdesc
- AIK: error creating Oracle user: "awk: insufficient memory for string storage"
- AIK: Failed to install the COBOL (server express 4.0/5.0) development license
- AIK: Fifty FAULT messages in Pre Installation checks
- AIK: length of oracle user name
- AIK: license verify: rts32: fatal: open failed
- AIK: mv: cannot stat `/exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2': No such file or direct
- AIK: no confirmation that demo library is working properly
- AIK: ORA-00845: "MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system"
- AIK: pc_exe (in a21 tree) missing files; "failed to install service pack"
- AIK: Step 6.2 (Run test compilation) fails
- AIK: "aik.2.02.tar chksum failed" "install_ora.tar.gz chksum failed"
- AIK: "Checking whether the OS update is greater then 5 [FAULT]"
- AIK: "Failed during updating system parameters"; "'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-xxxtables' is an unknown key"
- AIK: "No package found for apache-tomcat-8.5.38"
- AIK: license: no way to save and exit.
- AIK: OPatch inventory set up improperly for Solaris
- AIK - "Relocate alephe directory - error 'drop user' " with TWO_TASK
- AIK - COBOL Installation
- AIK 21: "mkdir: cannot create directory `/oradata': Permission denied"
- AIK 22: "TNS-01194: The listener command did not arrive in a secure transport"
- AIK 22: "Error: The file copy_db.tar.gz does not exist in /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris"
- AIK 22: FAULT on "ksh.x86_64 version 2"
- AIK : did not provide the exlibris/startup script files
- AIK Aleph 21: Finished deleting the elib region
- AIK and Custom Services
- AIK Download failure: "Connection timed out... Retrying."
- AIK impdp: "job does not exist", "unable to create master table", "no privileges on tablespace 'SYSTEM'"
- AIK step 1: "Connection timed out"
- AIK step 3.2: ORA-12514 error
- AIK step 3.2 doesn't correctly set the hostname variable; "TNS:listener does not
- AIK step 3.3: "OS command to create directory failed; SVR4 Error: 13: Permission denied"
- AIK step 3.3: "copy_db.tar.gz does not exist in /scratch/ftp_from_exlibris"
- AIK step 4.1 ("Extract binary product package") "Enter key:" ?
- AIK step 5.3 gives "Error: Failed during license check"
- AIK step 5.3 "Error: Failed during license check" (Cobol mismatch)
- AIK Step 5.5.: "Error: Failed during alephe relocation - drop user"; no listener
- AIK step 5.5: " line 11: sqlplus: command not found"
- AIK step 5.5: " line 11: sqlplus: command not found" -- Two_Task
- v23 AIK step 6.2: "compile_ora compilation is not successful"
- AIK step 6.3: "Failed to connect to aleph21 ... TNS:lost contact"
- AIK uses same database ID from both Test and Production (if on same server)
- AIN: Error: There is no configuration for ... Please correct kit configuration!
- Alarm that patron ID is about to expire and hold period will be shortened?
- Aleph-Client V21 – full view of HOL records not possible
- Aleph-Cluster: Deletion of holding records through replication mechanism (ue_11)
- ALEPH-GUI: Browse Result with number of Documents = 5000+ and limit in brief list
- Aleph-Rosetta synchronization problem with a long record
- Aleph22: Primo Availability, File publish_avail.tag missing
- Aleph2Alma extract stuck in pending
- Aleph: How to configure Tomcat to accept requests from specific IP addresses only
- Aleph: procedure p_arc_01 fails with error ORA-12154 when started from job_list
- Aleph: sign-in to OPAC via PDS fails with error message "Internal Server Error"
- ALEPHADM, tab34 column 5: pound-sign ("#") propagated across entire column
- ALEPHADM / Due date past midnight
- Aleph/ARC discrepancy in order local price and number units
- Alephino-Fehler Keine Session frei 100(100)
- Alephino_4.0 und _4.1 / Web-OPAC / Hilfefenster
- AlephMail Error - Unable to connect to server / Wrong "To" address
- AlephMail error in Circulation: "Error sending to all recipients"
- ALEPH "Booking" form allows date in the past
- ALEPH "data warehouse"
- Aleph 16->17->18 Upgrade Express: Implementation Notes?
- ALEPH 18 - Oracle handle_connection error; TWO_TASK problems
- Aleph 18 and Aleph 20 on same server
- Aleph_20.01_ServicePack_2.xls "Auto" column
- ALEPH 20: patron record created with a blank record key
- Aleph 20: rep_change 3437 & Circulation Logger Clean Up (cir-78)
- Aleph 20 acquisitions slow
- Aleph 20 and end of Oracle support for
- Aleph 20 client claims to be Version 19.01
- Aleph 20 database - Audit trail
- Aleph 20 System Administration Guide has obsolete reference to aleph_conf_create
- Aleph 21(ELIB) - System not running (following backup)
- Aleph 21, rep_change 2036
- ALEPH 21, Title can't be opened in logical base
- Aleph 21: Updating orders with long ISBN values crashes the acquistions GUI
- Aleph 21: Upgrade from Oracle to Oracle
- Aleph 21 GUI : User name formating in fast patron registration
- Aleph 21 OPAC doesn't remember search type
- Aleph 21 rep_change 2120 - JBOSS security enhancement
- Aleph 21 Upgrade: no v21 to log into
- ALEPH 22, Client, acq.ini, [UserList] FilterType=1
- Aleph 22, GUI printing preview "You are going to Preview <n> additional documents with no option to stop the process. Continue Preview-yes/no?"
- ALEPH 22, z303_last_name / z303_first_name
- Aleph 22.0.3: printouts missing or printed twice
- Aleph 22: Additional overdue items message not being displayed
- Aleph 22: After upgrade to RH 6.6: Service Pack can not be installed
- Aleph 22: AIK Step 2.7 fails with error message "The files cobol5.SunOS.sparc.tar.gz do not exist in /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris"
- Aleph 22: AIK Step 3.3 fails with error message "ERR: Oracle software versions are different on the target and source servers"
- Aleph 22: AIK Step 5.3 fails with error message " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
- Aleph 22: Can't show search results from GUI z39.50 search, closeconnection parameter
- Aleph 22: How to prevent popup box "You are going to Print %d documents with no option to stop the process" when printing via print daemon?
- Aleph 22: ITEMS - Printing Labels with BiafLabel does not work in normal printing
- Aleph 22: Mailing fails with error 'Error "421 4.3.2 The maximum number of concurrent connections has exceeded a limit, closing transmission channel"
- Aleph 22: Order details from previously viewed order display in acquisitions when pushing a new bib over from Cataloging
- Aleph 22: Service Pack summary (1-35) in Excel format cannot be created
- Aleph 22 - error in apache related to PDS (2.1.4): Undefined subroutine &IOZ311_file
- Aleph 22 - Was the patron id (z308-id) extended?
- Aleph 22 : AIK step 6_3 did not create ts1 tablespace
- Aleph 22 : Item sort box in Items/Cat client is much smaller
- Aleph 22 : Order display not cleared after deleting an order
- Aleph 22 AIK (Aleph Installation Kit Version 22)
- Aleph 22 and AIX
- Aleph 22 and AIX DB in a Two-Task environment
- Aleph 22 course-04 log: "Command not found"
- Aleph 22 is it possible to install Aleph 22 in a directory other than /exlibris (/exlibris-temp)?
- Aleph 22 MFT patch
- Aleph 23: ue_01 process ends with: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
- Aleph 23 - Red Hat 7.0: Failed to read reply" for all GUI services
- Aleph 23 MFT patch
- Aleph 23 not accessible after upgrade to RHEL 7
- Aleph 24 MFT patch
- Aleph 3rd party products on MFT – patch
- aleph and apache not started after reboot
- Aleph and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Aleph and Oracle Support: Oracle 11.1;; 12.1; 19c
- Aleph and PDS: Z308 values
- Aleph and PDS security best practices
- Aleph and PDS version 2.1.8
- Aleph Backup: "TNS:listener does not currently know of service ..." TWO_TASK
- ALEPH calendar popup and dates before 1700
- ALEPH cataloging statistics
- Aleph commands (dlib, "cd $aleph_proc") etc. not working
- Aleph configuration to SSL for secure x-services and disabling other ports
- aleph_conf_create and utml
- Aleph created for new record 400 items automatically
- Aleph creates open URL for SFX with 752$a as aulast
- ALEPH_DBA user: "insufficient privileges" / "invalid username/password"
- Aleph Discontinues Certification of Internet Explorer from Aleph version 24
- Aleph doesn't start: "TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested"
- Aleph Down yesterday
- Aleph encumbrance allowed for closed and invoiced order of past financial year
- Aleph enhanced to provide an infrastructure for paying patron's debts via OPAC
- Aleph expand_doc_bib_avail parameters
- Aleph GUI: Windows only?
- Aleph GUI client Version 22, Patch 128
- Aleph GUI Users: "License limit exceeded"
- Aleph high CPU (98%); ue_01; item update conflict
- Aleph hosted customer is getting requests from IP address
- Aleph ill-loan-info X-Service - "missing op program" error
- Aleph Indexing Methods
- Aleph Installation Kit -> Cobol in different directory
- Aleph Installation Kit asking for the "mount point"
- Aleph Installation Kit documentation: perform download as root
- ALEPH is not blocking users with debit from loaning
- Aleph is slow ***MASTER RECORD***
- Aleph is Unable to contact the PDS server though the pds URL is OK
- Aleph Item availability information in z39.50 server
- Aleph JBoss Vulnerability
- Aleph LKR ("PLK") in Primo: What LKR fields are Relevant?
- ALEPH login not valid; Check your GUI configuration
- Aleph mail support
- Aleph migration v22 - Staff privilege issues, double lines for INVOICE rights
- Aleph migration v22 - User privilige issues after move from Aleph 18 to Aleph 22
- Aleph migration v22 - User privlige issues, patron cash list
- Aleph not accepting PDS login (initiates PDS log-out immediately after login)
- ALEPH OAI Data Provider cuts off field 008.
- ALEPH OAI Implementation: License? Documentation?
- Aleph on AIX servers: command wget fails when called by UNIX user aleph
- ALEPH on Mac
- ALEPH OPAC Profile keeps changing Brief Format view from 000 to 952
- Aleph oracle_exp_xxx/oracle_imp_xxx procs don't work in doing upgrade
- Aleph PDS could not connect to X-server using SSL
- Aleph PDS Setup Copied from MetaLib
- Aleph permitting z303 and z308 records with blank ID's
- Aleph Production too slow
- aleph_ps: Command not found"; "dlib: Command not found"
- Aleph Publishing: Only 1 AVA field per Sublibrary despite multiple Collections
- ALEPH Reporting Center: "DPR-ERR-2079"
- ALEPH Reporting Center needs Z13 for xxx30 library
- ret-adm-01 sort order and additional fields
- Aleph requirements for EDI
- Aleph sends 2 identical payment receipts in circulation
- Aleph Service Packs during Aleph to Alma migration
- Aleph Service Pack 22.1.5: "RTS Error occured. Details in SP log file"
- Aleph Service Pack and Release Schedule
- aleph_shutdown and _startup scripts have stopped logging
- aleph_shutdown Doesn't Stop Demons / Queues; illsv_dev: Undefined Variable
- aleph_shutdown error: "touch: cannot create ... mab18/scratch ...: No such file"
- aleph_shutdown giving JBOSS errors
- aleph_shutdown not stopping server processes after SP install
- aleph_shutdown prior to ILL migration?
- Aleph SIP2 server and stunnel
- Aleph slow / exceptionally high iowait%
- Aleph Staff User Guide doesn't consider $aleph_tab/tab_attr_sub_library
- aleph_start: "../aleph/a18_1/product/local/java/jre/lib/sparc: Command not found
- aleph_startup, aleph_start and aleph_start.private questions
- aleph_startup: errors starting ue_17 and illsv background daemons
- aleph_startup: ".../aleph/exe/ rts32:Command not found”
- aleph_startup: "set_symbol.cbl: INVALID KEY 000000001"
- aleph_startup: ... monitoring startup complete signal
- Aleph startup doesn't start ue_21.
- aleph_startup fails to start batch queues and daemons for certain libraries
- aleph_startup not working after SP installation
- aleph_startup stops with "aleph_que.c: Permission denied" message for que_batch.old
- aleph_start command doesn't start aleph
- Aleph table limits (maximum number of lines or characters)
- ALEPH table or screen change doesn't take effect.
- /proc directory with many current directories and files
- Aleph times out trying to display Items List in GUI Circulation.
- Aleph to Alma migration: Bib not linked to any ADM record
- Aleph to Alma migration: HOL record lacks 852 field
- Aleph to Alma migration: Items with temporary locations
- Aleph to Primo Publishing: Primo indexing running out of Oracle TEMP space
- Aleph Update IGeLU 2012.pdf document mention new service p-acq-33
- Aleph upgrade: does old database need to be cloned to new one?
- Aleph Upgrade Express 1801_1901 hangs at step 1014
- Aleph Upgrade Process
- ALEPH user z305 records in version 18
- Aleph v18 sp 1772 implementation notes
- Aleph v20 "No space left on device" ; 100s of DNS queries/second; ue_23
- Aleph v20 - Fines not being created/calculated
- Aleph v20 - ISBN searches don't work
- Aleph version / Oracle version relationships
- Aleph won't start: "ORA-27140: attach to post/wait facility failed"
- Aleph www_server or pc_server Not Responding During Peak Hours
- Aleph X-Server explain operator not working
- Aleph X-server help files (www_x_eng) missing in Aleph 20
- Aleph X-server help file is not accessible
- Aleph X-services, documentation?
- Aleph xxx50 library created as sublibrary in Alma
- Aleph Z00P records missing AVA fields *MASTER RECORD*
- Aleph Z00P records not Written when xxx01 Records updated **MASTER RECORD**
- ALEPH z305 record needed in single-ADM set-up?
- Aleph Z39.50 Server Not Returning All Holdings for OPAC Format Search
- alert-batch-job-00 files printing (rather than being emailed)
- Alert (rather than in-transit) for item returned at different location
- Alert on return for one collection
- Allowing loan to requestor via Self-check with subsequent requests pending
- Allowing patrons to place holds on titles they already have on loan
- Allowing renewal of requested "like items"
- Allow renewal of overdue loans
- Allow renew of overdue items
- All columns in OPAC Course Reserves Results List are empty
- All util a functions get "ORA-28000: the account is locked"
- Alma / Primo Email synchronization
- Almost All Keyword Searches Get Zero Results After Running p_manage_01
- Alphabetic character in z13u numeric-only LKR field
- Altering item record not possible
- Alternate fields, Z13 fields in edit_doc_999 and www_tab_short
- Alternating valid/invalid due dates (1 hr. vs. 1 month) for certain hourly items
- Alternative to p_manage_25
- Ambiguous headings, display
- Amount owed to patron query
- Analysis of "Item or like copy is on shelf. Cannot place hold request" message
- Analysis of OPAC response time
- Analytical records not linked in Primo
- Analyzing failure of notices to be emailed
- Analyzing failure to publish Aleph BIB records into Primo
- Analyzing server logs for timeouts / slowness
- Analyzing space problems due to excessive Oracle archive logs
- Annotated GENERIC-LINE Template from plain-funcs-misc.xsl
- Annual budget code does not display the year after the code
- Any way to change a user's Patron ID?
- Anzahl Titeldatensätze
- An EDI Invoice is not loading. What is the problem?
- An item and its supplement are regarded as "like items"
- apache: bad expires code; pc_server: No match for IP address
- Apache: what version(s) does Ex Libris supply/support?
- Apache 'MaxClients exceeded' error.
- Apache doesn't start; no error or message in ./apache/logs
- Apache error: server reached MaxClients
- apache start: "File exists: unable to create scoreboard"
- Apache startup fails: " open failed: No such file or directory"
- Apache startup fails: "Permission denied: httpd: could not open error log file"
- Apache startup on reboot
- Apache version used with Aleph 22/23
- Apache won't start: Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
- APDU Exceptions List missing column headings
- API module structure 'aleph_module' in file is garbled
- Apostrophes pasted from Microsoft Word
- Appending library to each line in file of record numbers (make "p_ret_01 format"
- Appending string to z30-barcode for a particular set of ADM numbers
- April 2007 Oracle critical patch
- ARC, invalid collection information
- arc-01: "Not all records were loaded"
- ARC: Advanced PDF options cannot be changed, error RSV-SRV-0003
- ARC: Data for zero is represented as text
- ARC: Data is represented as 'abcd' and can only be seen with 'Run once with all data'
- ARC: Duplicate or old orders in Acquisitions reports
- ARC: Error RQP-DEF-0177 selecting Price parameter
- ARC: error viewing ETL status reports: "You are not authorized to access the object ..."
- ARC: Filtering by Desc10 field not possible
- ARC: How to set the default email sender to a specific value
- ARC: Is it possible to change labels for User-defined fields?
- ARC: Is the Approver ID Field from ACQ Order Record Present in ARC?
- ARC: need to reconfigure the filter and search for values every time the report is run
- ARC: number of records and items per call number: records count twice - can this be prevented?
- ARC: "Unable to extend table SYS.AUD$ by 128 in tablespace.SYSTEM"
- Archive logging; NOLOGGING for individual tables
- Archive logs filling up; ue_01 cycling between two records repeatedly
- Archive log files filling up /exlibris2 filesystem
- Archive record doesn't display in OPAC
- Archiving Status: util/o/7/3 doesn't work
- ARC "unable to execute reports" error
- ARC 1.1 ETL fails after installing rep change 1324
- ARC 2.0 and Office 2007
- ARC 2.0 ETL fails
- ARC 3.0: arc_start.conf file
- ARC 3.0: Which browsers are supported?
- ARC 3rd party products on MFT
- ARC 3 - authors are missing the capability to use HTMLItem layout element.
- ARC 3 - consumers are missing the capability to use hyperlink layout elements
- ARC 4.0: Drag and Drop does not work
- ARC 4.0: Order subscription dates in ARC Query Studio report (Acquisition Budgets)
- ARC 4.0: Searching for reports results in error 'CSN-ISS-0021 SEARCH PROCESSING FAILED'
- ARC 4.0: Wrong time zone when executing ARC-schedules
- ARC 4.0 - MFT patch
- ARC 4.0 : Circ-Logger: Minimum date invalid in configuration file
- ARC 4.0 Supported browsers
- ARC 4: Error "CAF-WRN-2082"
- ARC 4 - CM-REQ-4139 when trying to Import the content store
- ARC Access Error in "Data source: Aleph_Reporting"
- ARC_ADMIN: Undefined variable ; ARC_VERSION: Undefined variable
- ARC Bibliographic Statistics by Cataloger report is blank
- Arc cannot connect to server
- ARC cannot startup error message indicates a problem with Encryption Keys
- ARC consumers have changed privileges in ARC 3.0: link to Report Studio is displayed
- Arc data missing from before a specific year
- ARC ETL: "unable to extend ... tablespace SYSTEM"; "Syntax error at line 1"; "compress_seq_fi" process
- ARC ETL: ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
- ARC ETL - full mode with reduced date range
- ARC ETL Log: "Minimum date invalid in configuration file"
- ARC ETL process failed without any specific error message
- ARC fails to start, error message "CAM-CRP-1057 Unable to generate the machine specific symmetric key"
- ARC incremental mode, order deletions not propagated
- ARC login attempt fails (restarting ARC)
- ARC not accessible - error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space"
- ARC not accessible for certain logins
- ARC not working; server not available; "unable to connect"
- ARC OPAC report unknown desc types 31 and 35
- ARC Ports to be open in Firewall
- ARC predefined reports: "A more recent package exists" error message
- ARC report results in 'no data available'
- ARC Report Studio: 'this is not a multi-dimensional source'
- ARC Report Studio error: promptLocale_en-US.xml
- ARC Report Studio not working in IE10; Error: 404 - Not Found URL: cchl/res/promptLocale_en-GB.xml
- ARC Report with amount of each separate invoice
- ARC report with just past week or month
- ARC Service Pack Schedule
- ARC SP#98 Limitations and constraints
- ARC table is partially loaded, error message "File size too large"
- ARC Usage
- ARC users cannot access - error 'Can't connect to the LDAP server - Connection reset by peer'
- ARC versions and Aleph versions
- ARC versions and corresponding Aleph versions
- ARC ‘Local Sum’ not always reflecting Aleph ‘Local Amount’
- Are "ALEPH" z305 records necessary?
- Are "XXX50" z305 records necessary?
- Are Aleph source programs supposed to be encrypted?
- Are Service Packs included in the AIK?
- Are there any Oracle passwords we should *not* change?
- Are there changes for the PLIF Loader Sequential Input File in Aleph 22?
- Are USM entries necessary in the library.ini file?
- Are util_a13_b job and z34 table necessary?
- Are Virtual HyperV and Linux Containers environments supported?
- Are Z36H and Z37H needed?
- Are z40, z41, z43, z45 and z46 obsolete in V20?
- Are the following 11 Circ, 1 Acq, & 1 OPAC statistics reports possible?
- Arrivals, Invoice, Encumbrance, Order Logs Access Problem
- Arrival status “CMP” for EDI invoice
- Arriving an issue, GUI Acq client hangs
- ars_server: "Error 001 in HK system"
- Transferring "non-xsl" files from ./form_eng to the pc .\PrintTemplates\eng directory
- ASLM: Semaphore failure" after OS upgrade
- ASLM error : "A shared memory area used by Apptrack licensing ..."
- ASLM / Cobol problems
- Assigining F12 to 'end current session' doesn't work
- Assigning "23:59 " due time to non-hourly loans, instead of library closing time
- Assigning cataloging privileges to staff to access authority records
- Assigning Staff Privileges for Budgets Problem
- Assign Filing Routine to Fields for Sorting OPAC Brief List
- Attack on www_server: vir01 z63 fills up tablespace
- DOS attack on www_server from multiple IP addresses
- Attempting to both print and email overdue notices in Production
- Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory (& ulimit); "Failed to read reply
- At service pack level 529, we can not bulk ship electronic if z416_status = MLP
- Audit Trails of Catalog Record Fields Deleted and/or Modified
- Ausdruck auf Fristzetteldrucker (Ränder ; unerwünschte Elemente)
- Ausgabe von Trefferlisten
- Authentication for Z39.50 server
- Author's name truncated on ILL request
- AUTHORITIES: p_manage_31 not rejecting Children's subject headings
- Authorities 010 field allows just 1 space before number; vendor wants 2
- Authority 680 field and "Include Expanded AUT Data"
- Authority and bibliographic headings do not match
- Authority change not updating bib records
- Authority control project: reloading/indexing bib and authority records
- Authority cross references from 4XX tags with 3-character $w cannot be matched
- Authority fix_doc_aut_008_pos_29
- Authority indexes - problem with subfields
- Authority links are not created for some 650 #4 fields
- Authority records are not always flipping the corresponding bib headings
- Authority records loaded by p_manage_18 lack diacritics
- Authority record load creates indexing loop; fix_doc_aut_duplicate
- Authority record update: "Server failed to execute request after 200 sec"; z105h
- Authority record updates don't update bib subject headings
- Authority reload: dropping of z00 and other tables
- Authors have the highest number of linked records
- Author not displaying in Full display
- Author search in Aleph plugin (from SFX)
- Automated credit card payments
- Automatically added field STA=SUPPRESSED
- Automatically Adding $$9 to 853X Tag
- Automatically change the item process status from 'on order' to 'in process'
- Automatically Deleting Old Reports from p_manage_15 (or most logs)
- Automatic change of items status on import of bib to XXX30
- Automatic change to "setenv local_currency" with release 22.1
- Automatic creation of pincode in patron record
- Automatic Item Process Status Change
- Automatic logon to Production server with GUI Test server log-in
- Automatic recalls without running p_cir_13
- Automatic resetting of last-doc-number by system
- Automatic start/stop of jboss
- Automatic start of Aleph and Oracle after server reboot
- Automatic status change to 'Lost' not occuring; Lost bills not produced
- Automatic update of item process status according to Collection
- Automatic update of registration date (z305_registration_date) in GUI
- Automatic Windows update stops Print Daemon, prevents sending of notices
- automating p_file_03
- Automatische Verknüpfung zu falschem Autoritätsdatensatz
- auto accessioning
- AUT record 5nn fields, display
- AUT Record Link from Heading List
- AVA field for item which bib record is not linked to
- AVA field produced for both temporary and permanent location
- AVA field shows “Check_holdings”
- AVA field with empty collection appears twice in z00p (and in Primo)
- AVA from another record linked with LKR field
- ava_location_priority for sorting AVA fields
- AVA tag is not appearing in records that are using expand_doc_bib_avail expand
- Avoiding automatic item arrival
- Avoiding space problems
- Avoid Display of Copyright Page for ADAM Object in OPAC
- Avoid Hold Requests in OPAC for Specific Item Status
- Avoid subfield for sorting in headings list
- A calendar for booking rooms
- A change to tab31 - how to update current patrons?
- A_ERROR: table znnn does not exist in xxxnn (where xxxnn is pw_library/usr_lib
- A_ERROR: The old table xxx.02.z69 description does not match the expected description
- A new utility is added for Aleph Oracle Tables cleanup of historical information
- A question about sort order on the Order Index
- b-cir-12
- Backlog of 750,000 z07's waiting to be processed in abc01
- Backspace key in Aleph GUI has unexpected results
- Backup/recovery of doc records updated by p_manage_21/p_manage_37.
- Backup/Restore Oracle Tables to be Upgraded"; Upgrade Express Overview
- Backups prior to global changes
- Backup errors:in user_data_a5_Detail and prd_software_a4_Detail: "File removed before we read it"
- Backup errors: "No such file or directory", "Too many levels of symbolic links", "File removed before we read it"
- Backup fails on backup of prd_software
- Backup Package: any backup of Oracle database fails with error message ORA-27040: file create error
- Backup Package: error message "source: Too many arguments" at the end of Oracle software backup (o5)
- Backup Package: Oracle software backup (o5): error message "tar: unable to open exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/nmo: Permission denied"
- Backup Package: exec_backup_main: Too many arguments; 'nknown option'
- Backup Package: hot backup doesn't flush online redo log to archive
- Backup preceding p_manage_21 / p_manage_37
- backward_warning" in applying Service Pack
- Back Up Tables before Making a General Data Change
- Badly formed number" error in Linux, running multi-process batch job *MASTER*
- Badly placed ()'s" -- in response to SQL query
- Bad abc50 last-request-number, last-hold-group, & last-slip-number?
- Bad gateway message in Web OPAC
- Bad messages in Circ Logger, such as "Regular return, User denied permission ...
- Barcode: the hyphen (-) is read like apostrophe (')
- Barcodes are not printing in reports on Windows 7
- Barcodes in ARC missing
- Barcode not printing on hold and in-transit slips
- Barcode search in xxx30PUB
- Barcode Text Unreadable
- base-amount from renew-order-encumbrance.trn always contains value e=encumbrance
- base/library locked error again
- Bases lack newly added records; ue_01_z0102 process stopping
- base_demo_lib = library itself; not USMnn
- Base is not defined in tab_locate" selecting from Locate "Databases to search"
- Base library used in UTIL-G-3, UTIL-G-2, and UTIL-H
- Base not defined on server"
- Base not used with bor-info
- Basic steps in Publishing (for Primo)
- Batch-loading hold requests into Aleph
- Batch-populating z30_rec_key_3
- BATCH-UPD" cataloger level is too high -- where is this set?
- BATCH-UPD error when saving records
- Batch change of item temporary location flag
- Batch changing subsets of items from one HOL to another, new HOL
- Batch Claims for Serials
- Batch deleting ADM records
- Batch deleting patrons or items with loans
- Batch deleting patrons who have hold requests or items which have hold requests
- Batch deleting processing fees from patron accounts
- Batch deletion of old/paid cash records
- Batch HOL or ADM record deletion
- Batch jobs don't run
- Batch jobs fail with "invalid username/password; logon denied" message
- Batch jobs report ORA error: io_z11 write in Aleph 23
- Batch Jobs Summary Report (sys-90) reports "done with Errors"
- Batch jobs to clean out patron note fields
- Batch jobs which add/update HOL records stall
- Batch job error: "read_file: can't open /tmp/utf_files/.../form_eng/alert-batch-job-00"
- Batch job notifications: incorrect send address
- Batch loading charges into Aleph
- Batch locating duplicate bibliographic records
- batch_log data
- Batch log in Task Manager yields "failed to read reply".
- Batch merge vs. GUI Cataloging merge
- Batch queue does not start for first library in QUE_STARTUP_LIBS; ORA-27101error
- Batch queue not processing jobs; aleph_shutdown stalls shutting down batch que
- Batch queue not running; util c/2 fails to start it
- Batch queue not working properly
- Batch queue won't start for ADM; library managed by another library
- batch que (lib_batch process) won't start
- Batch que won't shut down; lib_batch_log at 2 Gig; "lib_batch already running"
- Batch restoring records from z30h to z30
- Batch returning loans for particular pseudo-patron
- Batch services in v18 - Print to ADM Lib
- Batch service is producing wrong results after version upgrade
- Batch stalls; parameter too long
- Batch update staff expiry dates
- Baumanzeige in der Katalogisierung von ALEPHINO 3.0
- Being logged out of OPAC
- Benutzersatz kann nicht gelöscht werden: Fehlermeldung "Benutzer ist Ini
- Bereitstellungsbenachrichtigung per E-Mail
- Best method for Aleph indexing
- Best practices - retention of item/circ history tables
- Best practice for complete/refresh runs of Upgrade Express
- Best way to export Aleph Oracle tables
- BIAFlabel program: "Not found ALef Version!"
- Bib, item, and course record connections
- BIB-AUT link not created, error "No connection sleeping" in ue_08 log file
- BIB-AUT match
- bib-info in cash-summary
- BIB-xxxx lines in pc_tab_exp_field.eng
- Bibliographic information in template acq-order-claim-01
- Bibliographic links between records
- Bibliotheca RFID applies only one "write" action when returning and processing in-transit items
- BIB and ADM system numbers are not in synch: why and how they can be realigned
- BIB and ADM system numbers out of synch
- BIB and AUT index entries do not match because of a comma in BIB field
- BIB field - test limit in ARC report
- BIB field 610 is not updated from AUT record when there are subdivisions.
- Bib heading with birth/death date not linked to matching authority record
- Bib indexing generating Oracle Archive logs
- BIB information in loan session window in CIRC GUI
- Bib info does not display in upper pane in xxx30 Cataloging GUI Brief list
- Bib info does not display on item screen's title bar
- Bib info in ADM Z13
- Bib info missing from particular overdue notice
- Bib info not displaying when joined with item info
- BIB Info on Order List
- Bib Input Read From ADM library (and Output Written to ADM Library)
- Bib key range increased to high number
- BIB library (SYS01) last-doc-number accidently reset
- Bib lib jobs which create/update items (p_manage_50, p_file_99, p_file_96) stall
- BIB Loaders p-file-90 and p-file-93: a comparison
- Bib load removes spaces from 010 field; fix_doc_marc21_spaces
- Bib records are not being indexed (version18, AIX)
- Bib records created with empty fields
- Bib records lack system number in 001 despite "INS2 fix_doc_001"
- Bib records linked to particular authority record
- Bib records loaded with incorrect doc numbers; p_manage_18 *HOW TO FIX*
- Bib records not being sent to Primo
- Bib record additions and changes don't dynamically update ADM Z13 or Z00R
- BIB record connected to an incorrect ADM record for a serial.
- Bib record consistently crashes Cataloging client
- Bib record count which excludes suppressed or deleted records
- Bib record creation date
- Bib record is locked
- Bib record linked to new (incorrect) ADM rather than correct ADM with order info
- Bib record linked to wrong ADM record
- BIB record not included in any index (or in Primo) **MASTER RECORD**
- Bib record with diacritics not retrievable by title
- Bib record with key of "000000000"
- Bib record with large 5xx fields / many words not indexed
- Bib Requests vs. Title Requests: Which should we use?
- BIB Subfield Punctuation Added, Then Lost
- BIB z07 filling up and parallel indexing
- Bib z07 records when running p_manage_18 on Authorities
- Bib z35_id3 Oracle index can not be built, because of duplicates.
- Bib / Item deletion: effect on patron circulation log
- Bib/HOL record display in OPAC/Primo even though tab15 has "N" for OPAC
- Billing fee for lost item notices -- per notice rather than per item?
- Bind Alert Report (bind-01)" reports too much items
- Blanking out the month in GUI month dropdown
- Blank at the end of call number counter prefix
- Blank entries in v20 xxx30 OPAC; only item number in results display showing up
- Blank line in plain XSL templates
- Blank records & recs from previous semester displaying in Course Reserves OPAC
- Blank screen in pc display for course reserves
- BLDSC Template Placeholders
- Blocking patrons who have overdue items
- Blocking renewals in the OPAC
- Blocking the appearance of error code no. 1016 in Cataloging Module
- Blocks aren't enforced for particular patron
- Blocks by cash limit, including accrued amount
- Block an ADAM object from being downloaded
- Block locate for potential supplier
- Bogus ITM links in bib record; tab_z103 update_z103_order_itm
- Booking is not deleted when loaned later than release period
- Booking request: "Search for an Administrative Record" options
- Booking request - Availability button
- Booking request - calendar - like items?
- Booking Request Form Sequence of templates
- Booking transactions (event-type 91) missing from p_cir_30 circ statistics
- Book covers associated with bibliographic records in Web OPAC
- Boolean operators in the title and the title can't be found
- bor-info-single-adm-abcd is not displayed
- Borrower ID's incorrect; last-bor-id and last-bor-id2 have incorrect values
- Borrowing Library Statistic Report (ill-63) p_ill_63
- Borrowing Receive Function Has No Way to Add Note to Patron on Arrival Letter
- Borrowing request missing title
- Bor ID already has personal profile. In order to update profile, personal ..."
- bor_pics/n directories: created automatically?
- Bracket info from 049 tag is showing up in 852 $$a, $$b, and $$c subfields
- Brief Display in GUI not Resizeable
- Brief Recs don't display in the GUI; certain ones missing from OPAC too.
- Browser for display of ADAM objects in GUI client
- Browse "No. of Recs" column (the 1st column) is always " "
- Browse doesn't work for very small logical base
- Browse extremely slow; z02 duplicates.
- Browse gets "server failed to execute request after 60 seconds" & ue_01 slow
- Browse Gives Incorrect Results;"Request is beyond last heading in ACCess file"
- Browse index for cross references gives error message when pressing show button
- Browse index lacks punctuation, is all lowercase, etc.
- Browse index not updated when brief record is overlayed with the full record
- Browse index results wrong -- many headings omitted; same headings in results
- Browse searches not working for newly-added Logical base
- Browse searching doesn't work for one particular base
- browse search call number problem
- Browse search in GUI client can't be limited to a particular logical base
- Browse search small bases fails
- Browse search when using a base extremely slow for "ECCO" & some other titles
- Browse Show on 10 or more headings gives 'edit_find_display.gnt'
- Browse Uniform Title headings (subfield 9) - UNIMARC
- Browsing ABC12 (MeSH) Authorities; "Record not found"
- Browsing by BARcode is not allowed
- Budgets don't work: the Browse is empty; can't enter in new ones
- Budgets Do Not Update After Invoice Payment
- Budgets from 2004 and 2005 appearing in browse of newly-opened 2009 budgets
- Budget assignment being lost from invoice
- Budget name in acquisitions order list
- Budget transaction display slow; only about 64,000 transactions display
- Building ALEPH 21 Test Server, copying data from Prod
- Building index to search on 595 tag (dept/school associated with core journals)
- Building version 18 training database -- initial loads
- Build a single word index
- Bulk Arrival, v20, "General Invoice ABC/123 failed to be created"
- Bulk Arrival: "Unable to find ID BulkArriv"; rep_change 3007
- Bulk Arrival list sort order
- Bulk item process status updates based on barcode
- Bulk move of items from Reserves back to regular location
- C0101 2 error message after password change
- Calculate ARC DB size
- Calculating hold requests actually satisfied
- Calculating p_manage_01 work space
- Calculation of "local price": divide or multiply by z82 currency ratio?
- Calendar / Date Selection Window Too Small
- Call-slip & hold-request-slip forms; creating customized hold-slip-request form
- Call No is not displayed in OPAC for a new bibliographic format created
- Call numbers for Course Reserve items in My E-Shelf
- Call numbers missing for Course Reserve Personal Copy's
- Call numbers not sorting correctly in p_item_05, p_item_04, and GUI search.
- Call Number and Location Pull Down Box
- Call number column is blank in Items List
- Call number counters; util g/2 "call-number" parameter
- Call number does not populate when HOL link applied (CREATE-852-HOL)
- Call number does not populate when HOL link applied (X852-ITEM-OVERRIDE)
- Call number fields: 050, 090, etc.
- Call number index incomplete after upgrade to version 16
- Call number in short doc (z13) record / Web basket in 15.2
- Call Number List icon - how to disable in [ExpandField] of alephcom.ini
- Call number not displaying in Course Doc List
- Call number search in item bar
- call_number_type in pc_server_defaults
- Call number / title index
- Call slips are not produced when multiple copies are available.
- Campus-specific Syndetics usage statistics
- Can't Access Holdings Records; Tree Has "No records available".
- Can't access Test OPAC; how to check if apache is running.
- Can't connect to items in GUI; "Cannot run program"; GUI Version: <blank>
- Can't connect to Primo, OPAC, or GUI using DNS; "Destination Net Unreachable"
- Can't correct Local Amount on general invoice record
- Can't create a new record or open a catalog template
- Can't create hold request: unique constraint ...Z37_ID2 violated
- Can't create invoice; "memory could not be read."
- Can't create patron record: "unique constraint (xxxnn.Z353_ID) violated"
- Can't delete a course even though no items are linked to it
- Can't dlib or do util_sp when logged in as root
- Can't email overdue notices: “Stylesheet file ...\PrintTemplates\eng\mail-overdue-summary-01.xsl does not exist”.
- Can't enter subfields for particular tag in GUI Cataloging
- Can't find file tab_base.eng.conf needed for holding sorting in opac display
- can't get host by address or by nameError: remote service - call_pc_server status 000005004
- Can't kill Upgrade Express: "The Upgrade Express is currently running"
- Can't link to related documents from the full document view for field 530
- Can't log into Web, "unique constraint (VIR01.Z63_ID) violated" *MASTER RECORD*
- Can't log in with staff user
- Can't log on to il-aleph07 203
- Can't log on to OPAC; www_server log: "io_z63_write ... object no longer exists"
- Can't log on to Web in early morning
- Can't make default for "local patrons only" for initiator id be unchecked
- Can't make pipe; dlib fails
- Can't open /program/pds_tab_params for input
- Can't perform Title Request: Exceeded limit on Title Requests"
- Can't remove subfield $7 from Authorities once it has been added by the system
- Can't retrieve records by OCLC number after 9-digit switch-over
- Can't return items with holds on them (at a particular pc)
- Can't save an order - ERM ID error
- Can't send email from the GUI
- Can't Update ALEPH Profile: "Library for ALEPH profile cannot be changed"
- Can't update z305_booking_permission with X server bor-update or through p_file_20
- Can't zero out the arrival date in Arrival Form
- Canceling of renewed recall causes original-due-date to become the due-date
- Cancel and Renew buttons in Circulation/Patron Activity/ILL Requests
- Canned Aleph OPAC statistics reports
- Canned searches against an Aleph database
- Cannot "Add ID", Button Disabled
- Cannot access Staff Privileges
- Cannot access Web OPAC
- Cannot add new patrons: "Duplicate System ID".
- Cannot add records to course; blanks in course number
- Cannot arrive items: "Arrival record does not exist"
- Cannot change status of request
- Cannot connect to RESTful DLF Services after SP Install
- Cannot Create Patrons ("Unable to find global patron information").
- cannot create regular file"; "can not be unziped"
- Cannot create table: "no privileges on tablespace ..."
- Cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found; using util a/17/18 **HOW TO**
- Cannot delete patron status in a patron record
- Cannot delete record from reserve
- Cannot delete specific course (error msg)
- Cannot display/print graphic barcode on IE8 computer
- Cannot find BIB record" displaying order record when upgrading
- Cannot get HOL library authority-controlled field to update
- Cannot load z66 into Prod PWD50. The loaded data is corrupted.
- Cannot login after password change
- Cannot login to GUI Aleph 19 client
- Cannot log in to sqlplus: user lacks CREATE SESSION privilege
- Cannot move Serial order and subscription in version 20
- Cannot open items on Serial record
- Cannot pay or waive fines: "Remote Service Error (c0708 multi-p 98)"
- Cannot place hold in ALEPH 22; "Oracle error: fetch z700"
- cannot read from file 201 because it failed verification tests ... temp01
- Cannot recall multiple vols in a set ("Borrower has a like copy")
- Cannot receive issue in acquistions module
- Cannot Repair 880 Fields at Time of Publishing for Primo
- Cannot request because no records were selected" message in error
- Cannot retrieve Active Due Dates in Loan tab
- Cannot retrieve last-doc-number from .z52 when running manage-500
- Cannot right-click in search boxes
- Cannot run version check from within GUI
- Cannot save citations: URL not found
- Cannot see budgets in Acquistions
- Cannot see Global Patron Information"; Circ client crashes with memory error
- Cannot Send Order Cancellations and Claims Via Email in v18
- Cannot Use F3 for 260$b
- Can "Export Database Tables" be used to back up an individual table?
- Can Aleph barcodes contain lowercase alphabetic characters?
- Can Aleph be set up for automatic failover?
- Can a BIB record be automatically locked when opened?
- Can a closed SalesForce case be re-opened?
- Can a physical library be a logical base?
- Can a specific record be deleted from the circ logger?
- Can Barcode be Added to Word Index Search (Find)?
- Can creation of z07 records by ue_08 be avoided?
- Can customer install Oracle by himself?
- Can different ADMs have different currencies?
- Can edi-09 and edi-10 set invoice status and arrival status to a fixed value?
- Can field HID in ADAM records be deleted
- Can file-20 Update A Patron's Expiry When The Address Is Protected?
- Can filing routines shown for tab_filing_call_no be used for tab_filing and vice
- Can fix_doc programs be included in tab_expand?
- Can hold requests end-requests-date take account of patron expiry date?
- Can ID type 01 (barcode) and ID type 02 (Campus ID) be the same?
- Can individual patrons opt out of retaining Loan History for "My Library Card"?
- Can items be checked out during tab17 Closed hours?
- Can Item Status be Checked in Evaluation of Items that Fulfill Hold Request?
- Can I add "Material Format" to the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01)?
- Can I customize 403 error message returned by Aleph Web server?
- Can I drag/drop HOLs to BIBs but restrict movement to specified sublibraries?
- Can I suppress the "OBJECTS" line in the Record Manager/Overview?
- Can I translate "BASKET" in page myshelf-mail-xxx01 into a different language?
- Can label500.exe be used on v16 and how to set it up?
- Can manage-33 be run for a Course library?
- Can manage-50 Create Holdings and NO Items?
- Can not allocate log, archival required; LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST destination string can
- Can not open lock file ./alephe/tab/server_info ... Segmentation fault
- Can not print records in the /L interface
- Can not sort by collection name in Web OPAC Results screen
- Can not view report at end of an online inventory marking session
- Can only p_cir_50 be used to bill Claims Returned loans?
- Can Oracle Standard Edition be used in an Aleph installation rather than the Enterprise Edition?
- Can Oracle table z403a be deleted?
- Can Order Status other than SV be used with "arrival action" in tab42
- Can Order Title Index Handle Non-Filing Indicators?
- Can output alerts from z100 be customised?
- Can patron list report be used to send patron membership expiration notices?
- Can patron pictures be loaded via PLIF?
- Can P_CIR_52 allow more than 4 Overdue Notices?
- Can p_manage_50 link newly created items to existing holdings?
- Can p_ret_01 or another service retrieve records based on 008 values?
- Can p_ret_10 be added to the HOL library GUI Services?
- Can p_union_04 be run with multiple processes?
- Can servers be restarted without affecting user transactions?
- Can standard text be added as a template for email?
- Can tab15 group codes be wildcarded?
- Can the default index in the "Get Order" window be changed?
- Can the recall type be controlled at ADM level?
- Can Very High Numbers in Assigned BIB SYS Numbers be Reset?
- Can we delete ext01, ext02, bor_pics, $data_files?
- Can we delete files from the ftp_from_exlibris directory?
- Can we delete temporary ARC files?
- Can we get rid of "Previous Page" and "Next Page" buttons on holdings screen?
- Can we get rid of message “Cannot find BIB record”
- Can we have $alephe_root/pc_b_help_lng directory with customized Help files?
- Can we remove mySQL from the Aleph servers
- Can we send patron status in our SIP2 response (64)?
- Can We Use Call Number 2 with a Drop-Down Selection List?
- Can we use delete functionality on the Cancel ILL Request button on WEB OPAC?
- Can We Use Different Claim Letters, such as serial-claim-letter-01-NN?
- Can we use X-Server results to deep link into the OPAC?
- Can you can form 008 in two columns
- Can Z30_LINKING_NUMBER Contain Letters or Punctuation?
- Can’t create HOL record: “Server failed to execute request after 60 seconds”
- Card format missing location details when emailed
- Carets in columns 9 and 10 of edit_field.lng
- Caret signs in variable fields not being changed to blanks on export
- Case sensitivity of Patron IDs
- cash-03: how to include cash / credit indicator on report
- cash-09 vs cash-10
- cash-10 service fails to process all records it should when UPDATE = Y is specified
- cash-11 Error : Missing mandatory fields in input file
- Cash 'by sublibrary' sort crashes circ client: "fetched column value is NULL"
- Cash Credits being created with Description "Payment Change"
- Cash display takes minutes for patrons with many Cash lines; cash-05 very slow
- Cash receipts skipping numbers
- Cash receipt printing: form missing error for first receipt each day
- Cash Receipt defaulting to wrong return address
- cash records are not updated when moving items
- Cash record created for "Local Patron Renewal"
- Cash transactions display erroneous item information: barcode, call number, etc.
- Cash transactions don't display in GUI Circ
- Cash transactions for replacement cost created with zero amount
- Cash transactions lack item and bibliographic information
- CAT: Not possible to print in format "Internal"
- Catalina error on aleph startup / line 399: ../thirdparty/tomcat/logs/ No such file or directory
- CATALOGER holds for quick cat items -- all or nothing?
- Cataloger ID field in ARC reports
- Cataloger name for records downloaded from OCLC client
- Cataloging: CTRL-O no longer working in new Aleph version
- Cataloging: CTRL-O No Longer Works After SP
- Cataloging eBooks for eReaders
- Cataloging Editor Fields Cut Off
- Cataloging edits not showing up in Primo Course Reserves
- Cataloging Field Check Message: Field tag xxx not valid
- Cataloging Module > Search Bar > Item Search Boxes and Call Number Search
- Catalogue Item Display
- Catalog button under Course Doc List: “Library’s host not defined in library.ini
- Catalog client, lower left pane, item and HOL tree
- Catalog is locked"; 'there are no records associated with this heading'
- Cat client display of Devanagari, Tamil, Bengali and Thai
- CAT fields copied over in Duplicate'd bib record
- CAT tags created by fix_doc_aut_duplicate have cataloger name
- CCL search for a range
- CCL word search by collection code (i.e. WCL) retrieves wrong results
- CentOS operating system and Aleph
- Centralised ILL service, more than one ILL-unit to a staff user
- Certain bib records -- with a tag near 2000 bytes -- crash Cataloging client
- Certain doc records don't display for a particular course in Web Staff
- Certain headings which should have authority link ("Auth. Info") do not
- Certain job_list jobs do not run & produce no log in $alephe_scratch
- Certain job_list job not running; batch queue gummed up
- Certain locations not included in search results for certain videos
- Certain patrons not receiving overdue notices (due to change in patron status)
- Certain records indexed in browse, but not word
- Certain reports don't appear in GUI Task Manager "View Printouts" or File List
- Certain titles/records can not be retrieved -- even in the GUI
- Certain titles not showing in New Titles logical base (for the Title Browse)
- Changes done in tab05.lng don't appear constantly in the client display
- Changes in $alephe_tab/tab_z403_directory.lng
- Changes in text for printouts of field item process status
- Changes to aleph_start or aleph_start.private not taking effect
- Changes to collection name not being written into Z00P
- Changes to pc_tab_exp_field_extended.eng not taking effect
- Changes to pc_tab_sear.eng not taking effect.
- Changes to www-ill-in-print.trn aren't in effect
- Change "Not Charged" to "Available" in Location tab
- Change "Photocopy Request" wording in Circulation module
- Change 035 Field Containing Old System Number
- Change Column Order in GUI Brief List Results
- Change default mail address for search results sent from OPAC
- Change default of Item Bar in Cataloging GUI
- Change default selection in Acq Administration tab from Budgets?
- Change field in OPAC ACQ request from mandatory to non-mandatory
- Change how long files are saved on the server (ELIB Scandinavia)
- Change in due dates automatically taking effect immediately in v20?
- Change in Fines Policy
- Change Item Status for a Set of Items
- Change lost price in double of item price?
- Change Name of Field in Standard format in the Opac
- Change Object Location (adam-03)" and directory name
- Change of 852 $$b sublibrary results in change to circ policy for connected items
- Change p-acq-11 (acq-claim-o-report) Sort
- Change patron expiration date in local sub library
- Change patron status description
- Change save/Mail extension
- Change Text and Icon of Message in the GUI
- Change text in loan status (GUI)
- Change the Date Format
- Change the Default Opening Screen in ILL2 GUI
- change the from address for my-e-shelf
- Change the temp directory of the GUI
- Change the time in a multiple time zone environment
- Change to abc50 item call number not updating abc30 call number index
- Change to adm_name_key table and reindexing
- Change to edit_doc_999.eng or tab_sub_library.eng doesn't take effect.
- Change to HOL record not propagated to associated item; doing for *all* items
- Change to invoice line item or order price not converted to local currency
- Change to maximum number of loans (in tab16) not taking effect
- Change to tab16, col 27 (Adjust Due Date and Hour), not taking effect
- Change Web OPAC Logo
- Changing "Date From" default in Task Manager Batch Log
- Changing $TMPDIR
- Changing 852 first indicator to "3" for certain collection codes
- Changing an author name in AUT library by adding a diacritic character
- Changing apache to port 80
- Changing ARC schema script change_schema.csh fails
- Changing Audio Warnings
- Changing Browser used by the GUI for Print Reports
- Changing budgets from annual to non-annual
- Changing characters “EG” in call numbers to “EU”
- Changing CRM password
- Changing data like “$p” in a field to correct subfield sign
- Changing default for “item is lost; do you wish to continue?” from "No" to "Yes"
- Changing default text in OPAC
- Changing encumbrances on serial and standing orders
- Changing Field Name Labels in Web OPAC
- Changing fonts for field labels in Cataloging
- Changing frequency of export job running
- Changing GUI Circ default "Booking Hour From" and "Booking Hour To"
- Changing Icons in Web OPAC
- Changing indicators as part of Generic Fix Doc Script
- Changing indicator 1 to indicator blank
- Changing item information deletes all doc records in course doc list;C0424 PUT39
- Changing item status/collection/sublib when adding item to course
- Changing item status for one collection
- Changing New Book Area Temp Item Location Automatically
- Changing OPAC start page
- Changing Oracle parameters (such as db_domain) in duplicating server
- Changing Oracle user passwords
- Changing Order of Docs in Course Reserve
- Changing password for SYS and SYSTEM user
- Changing pc_server port
- Changing pickup location when using the 'Create Hold' action at time of order
- Changing sort order of cash transactions in patron display
- Changing subject headings using batch global change (p_manage_21)
- Changing sublibrary codes
- Changing sublibrary name
- Changing the 852 1st indicator when running p_manage_50
- Changing The Background Color of the GUI Client
- Changing the Cash Status label
- changing the default of "By Hierarchy" for parent budgets
- Changing the size of the GUI window
- Changing the sublibrary code in order records
- Changing the supplier request status of an ILL request
- Changing URL characters in "Global Changes (manage-21)"
- Changing vendor codes (with SQL)
- Changing which tab is the default in a multi-tab GUI form
- Changing Z30_REC_KEY / ADM doc numbers
- Changing the Subject on cir-10 (courtesy notices) emails
- Character conversion and UNOC in EDI out files
- Checkboxes and Arrows in the Group Node
- Checking data integrity
- Checking HOL 852 $$a values
- Checking In Loans to Sublibraries Takes a Long Time
- Checking out items with muliple pieces
- Checking out multiple items with RFID in Aleph
- Checking Parallel base:"The requested file was not found on the server" (find-b)
- Checking presence of subfield depending on indicator value
- checksum - how to implement for codabar
- Checks for multi volume works
- Checks on Budget used in orders
- check_doc_delete_lkr and ITM links
- check_doc_paired_fields
- check_doc Tables
- check_doc_tag_text vs. tag_text.dat
- check_doc_unique_index does not find duplicate ISBNs when it has additional info
- Check for Duplicate Record in Cataloging
- Check for field contents in a field without subfields
- Check HOL record uniqueness in tab_loader
- Check Input File Against Database (manage-36)" to match on two criteria
- Check of patron's expiry date when renewing single item
- check the uniqueness of 050 (LC call number) and 082 (Dewey decimal Call Number)
- Check Upgrade Environment --UE error: The IO::ALL module is missing ...
- Check Which Patrons Did Not Receive an Overdue Summary Letter
- Chinese version of Author’s name on order letter
- Chmod errors after installing v22 Service pack 7 or 8
- Chrome browser identifies connection as "Not Secure"
- cir-05 retrieves too few records
- cir-10 Duplicate Courtesy Notices And Incorrect Recipients
- cir-10 produces empty Courtesy notice
- cir-11 Outstanding Hold Requests: "End-request-date"
- cir-16 job is slow
- cir-17 Does Not Delete Certain Hold Requests
- cir-20: Pickup location of request not valid for transit
- cir-22 prints slips for all sublibraries
- cir-23: "ORA-00001: unique constraint (XXX50.Z31_ID) violated"
- cir-23: deleting patrons with blocks
- cir-23: Deletion of fines
- cir-23: records included in reject file; records omitted entirely **MASTER RECORD**
- cir-25: “Database already have Z353 records for Library ..."
- cir-30: statistics by sublibrary / Course Reserves
- cir-30: TMPTABLE ... table or view does not exist
- cir-30 / cir-31 output doesn't fit on screen properly
- cir-51: "Error (cash_get_vat_rate) : failed to read tab18 for active-library = XXX50 cash-type = 0003"
- cir-51: Charge added for emailed lost material notice even though tab18 says it shouldn't be
- cir-51: Replacement charge not included on Lost Summary bill
- cir-51: "TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type"
- cir-51: Lost charges applied when item should receive an overdue notice only
- cir-51 fails to print notices for Lost items
- cir-51 notice print order incorrect in 22.0 (with HTMLPrint):
- cir-51 Not Printing Notices for Patrons with Email Addresses
- cir-78 doesn't delete the z309 records it should
- cir-78 doesn't give any indication of its progress
- cir-78 is stalled
- cir-78 run time; multiple processes
- cir-79
- CIR51 generated core dumps while running for two of our ADM's
- circ-status call aborts
- Circ.ini ErrorAction Descriptions
- Circ: "Unable to find available slot"
- CIRC: Items with identical barcodes
- Circulation" button says: "BIB document has ITM link, Create ADM anyway?"
- Circulation activities slow for patrons with many loans
- Circulation application is not authorized to access the library (ILL library)
- Circulation audio warnings
- Circulation client crashes when creating a booking request
- Circulation count by Collection, call number prefix
- Circulation GUI crashes
- Circulation Gui module crash for Advance Booking
- Circulation History Summary Not Populated for xxx50 Items
- Circulation logger: z309 not written because tablespace for Oracle index is full
- Circulation logger cleanup (cir-78) is slow
- Circulation logger report
- Circulation Logging Not Working.
- Circulation Logs - Error Message - "Log transaction does not exist"
- Circulation Log - can the self-check machine's location be included?
- Circulation log continues to show Self-Check when tab_circ_log.eng has "N"
- Circulation log typ 16 (Overdue letter created) is not created
- Circulation module: The max loan limit isn’t taken into account.
- circulation notices not generated
- Circulation notice jobs don't run on Sundays
- Circulation problem in GUI
- Circulation receipt prints as if trying to print regular 8 1/2 X 11 document
- Circulation statistics by call number range
- Circulation statistics services
- Circulation Summary per Patron
- Circulation Summary Per Patron (cir-37) is missing in the Services menu
- Circulation Transaction Log
- Circ blocks loan of item: says there's hold for another patron, but there's not
- Circ block by item status?
- CIRC_CREATED items not generating holds for CATALOGER patron
- Circ GUI crashes when new user logs in; FIRST-LOGIN-PASS-CHANGE
- CIRC GUI crashing when I click on 'List Course Reserves'
- Circ jobs not being submitted from job_list
- Circ loan transaction gets no response; date_due.gnt
- Circ logger shows incorrect/missing information
- Circ Log - Patron Activity shows many items without Title or Barcode information
- CIRC print.ini Setup for Overdue Notices
- Circ Return "Override Date" return time stays in effect after accidentally clicking button
- Circ statistics by patron type (z305_bor_type) rather than patron status
- cir_51 crashing at print file creation
- Citation Information Missing from Error Page
- CJK and web services
- CJK Authority changes not correct in OPAC
- CJK characters time out logical bases / browse indexes
- CJK in HTMLPrint
- Claims Returned and Lost Statuses
- Claim Report and Letters (ill-73) p_ill_73
- Clarification of how to restart web services
- Clarification of my understanding of the final steps to STP
- Clarification of questions 6 and 7 on v18 Aleph500 installation request document
- Clarification on p_manage_36 process
- Clash between JBoss port and another port
- Clean-up of z73 table and last-loader-log-no
- Cleaning Out Initiator Information from Completed and Closed Order Records
- Cleaning out your libraries for re-running Upgrade Express
- Cleaning Temporary files more than x days old/Cleaning log files more than..."
- Cleaning up Course records **MASTER RECORD**
- Cleanup in ALEPH
- Clearing circulation log for specific group of items
- clearing TMPDIR and LOGDIR
- clear_vir01: "PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion err
- clear_vir01: "no privileges on tablespace 'TSnx'
- clear_vir01: the account is locked; SP2-0306: Invalid option
- clear_vir01 (hot) doen't complete (still running after 3 hours)
- clear_vir01 doesn't run *MASTER RECORD*
- clear_vir01 error after v19 Upgrade Express: "Error reading Z100 in usr_library"
- Clickatell connection type for use with SMS Proxy API
- Clickatell SMS: no text message received; delivery failed due to routing error
- Clicking on Version Check "Change Type" button doesn't do anything
- Clients closed by Windows when connecting to resource authority libraries
- Client - Using <cntrl><F3> to view related data
- Client closes when we try to add HOL rec to a BIB record using "Create" button
- Client crashing when we try to look at a patron's holds.
- Client crash when connecting to specific library
- Client gets message "z39.50 gate not running"
- Client on Windows Server 2008
- CLN index disappears on browse reindexing
- Clock change: Change to Daylight Savings Time (in the Spring)
- Clock change problems with the switch off Daylight Savings Time (in the Fall)
- Cloning a Database to Our Test Server Using RMAN
- Closed days not excluded from loan period calculation
- Closed transactions not credited when material is returned
- Closing order changes
- Closing serial orders in batch
- Cloud monitoring Aleph OPAC
- CNO-6 lacks "$$1" before first period
- Cobol: "Please recompile using a larger value for the LINKCOUNT directive"
- COBOL compiler: can not create temporary directory
- COBOL compile fails: "version 'DBG_GEN_5.1' not found"
- COBOL Installation for Outage Planning
- Codes for country and language in 008 field
- Code 39 barcodes with ALEPH
- Coding tab_sfx for multiple services
- Cognos 8.4 has a new option called "Save to the file system" - How to enable it?
- Cognos error when running arc_startup
- Col. 8 of tab_sip2_sort_bin (Call-No)
- Cold backup failing
- Cold backup failing on test server
- Cold backup is not starting
- Cold backup takes too long; old archive files not removed
- Cold Backup with Ex Libris Backup package fails with Oracle 19c in an all-in-one environment
- Collapsing Summary Holdings HLD fields in display
- Collection and Call Number Searches Do Not Work With Full Stop in Search Term
- Collection blanked out when selected from dropdown in GUI Cataloging
- Collection Drop Down is Blank in Change Item Information screen
- Columnar report where book list is sorted by call number
- Columns empty after running after running "Borrowing Library Statistic Report (ill-63)"
- Columns in the staff privileges window
- Columns off in lines added to file_list's by Upgrade Express
- Column 1 of Tab 32 refers to sublibrary of patron or item?
- Column 4 (next extent allocation) in file_list is "0K"
- Column date in Serials has the wrong format
- Column Headings for Each Printed Page?
- Column sorting availability is variable for short-a-head
- Combination of several fields for brief display in OPAC
- CombinedCharSupported=Y affects cursor placement
- Commands for running indexing jobs from the command line.
- Command "cd $pds_root" doesn't work
- Command line start - pc and web servers
- Command not found trying to start a server
- Command to export particular fields from all records
- Command to show me Oracle Critical Patch Updates on server
- Commenting Out "update_z103_order_itm" and Reindexing Doesn't Correct Links
- Comment character in ALEPH tables
- Communication Error (global-) Failed To Read Reply
- Communication error (global -7) Failed to read reply
- Communication error after barcode search
- Compare Primo Loan History to Aleph Circulation Log
- Comparison of Services and Print Templates between ILL2 and Old GUI ILL
- Compatibility of Sun T‐Series servers and Aleph
- Completed jobs still show as "Running" in GUI Task Manager Batch Log
- Completed WebILL trans affecting current ILL2 patron loan due date
- Complete Authority Reload and Indexing: No z103 Entries in Authority Libraries
- Condensing SQL output onto a single line for each result
- Conditional Display of Fields in GUI and Printouts (for RDA Field 264)
- Configurability of authority control in ALEPH 500
- Configuration files used in loading bib records
- Configuration of tab11_word, order and parameters
- Configuration options for adding a study abroad program
- Configuration to allow connections using port 8997 & port 80
- configuration to send SMS messages to library patrons
- Configure Call Number Counters for Each Sub-Library via util g/2 call-number-xxxx
- Configure file-90 to create more than one item/holding
- Configure Secure Cookies Creation in Apache
- Configuring Aleph 21 for ARC 3.0, z900 triggers
- Configuring Apache for SSL - Instructions
- Configuring multiple NCIP servers
- Configuring z39.50 gateway
- Confirmation message:" Acq request submitted successfully" is not shown
- Conflict between the <alt> key and F10 key in Cataloging GUI
- Connection between bib record and authority record was not establish
- Connection refused
- Connection refused" error when using Aleph with PDS on another server
- Connection reset by server
- Connection to the database aleph21 via listener hasn't been established yet"
- Consequences of a Large Number of Patron ID Types (Z308)
- Consolidating/Removing additional patron addresses from records
- Consortial borrowing in Aleph
- Control-center" needed on Linux-machines?
- Controlling access to servers seen in util w
- Controlling functions started on server reboot
- Controlling staff member's permissions for viewing and updating patron IDs
- Controlling the appearance of the SFX button in the Web OPAC
- Controlling the setup for multiple time zones
- Controlling which SFX link button is displayed in the OPAC banner
- Control Language and Staff Privileges for Order Units
- Control of PNX Content Resulting from SFX / ILS Dedup
- Control of PST subfields displaying in Web
- Control over display limit for records carrying many items
- Conversion of MAB records after switching to GND
- Conversion of Solaris Aleph 20 to Linux Aleph 21; 503 error in OPAC
- Converted hold requests don't show up in GUI patron tree "Hold Requests"
- Converted patrons not showing in GUI Circ
- Converting BIB record numbers into a valid input file for manage-62
- Converting MARC_XML format for OAI harvesting
- Converting OCLC's de-composed form of Unicode to ALEPH composed form
- Converting order numbers to BIB record numbers
- Converting paired Hebrew/Roman fields back to 880 linked fields when $$6 linking subfields are not present
- Convert MARC Records - Step 1 (file-01) fails because it looks in wrong library
- COPY-FIELD" in generic fix doc script wipes out original field
- Copying Aleph /tab files between servers and timestamps
- Copying an updated www_f_eng directory from Test to Prod
- copying of an order number to Additional Order No. 2 field
- Copying Production data to Test instance
- Copying Serial Prediction Patterns from ADM to HOL
- Copying staff privileges from Prod to Test
- Copyrights Information Page on OPAC
- Copyright cleared requests to the British Library
- Copy/volume statistics
- Copy bib and associated records from Test to Prod
- Copy Oracle Table from One Server to Another
- copy/paste multiple lines in Catalog GUI
- Core dumps in jobd every Sunday at 00:00
- Core dumps **in general**
- corrected documentation for the HOL fix routine.
- Correcting errors in call numbers of imported items
- Correcting records via loading service
- Correcting time on Linux server
- Correction made to Authorite heading isn't reflected in the index.
- Correction to the z39.50_server" document - Element Sets
- Correct cash charge for status nn patron incorrectly persists for other patrons
- Correct Google Books cover not found due to wrong Aleph search
- Correct printd.exe for SP 1411
- Corrupted e-mails from the OPAC, capital T and U missing
- Corrupted table after UEX kit
- Corrupt z36-Index, Z301 invalid, cir-08 crashes
- COR fields are not consistently being created
- COR field in AUT display
- Couldn't create hold record" error message
- Could not find any tab_z30 containing holding-code
- Could not write new budget info."; ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
- Counting how many bib records were loaded in x period of time
- Counting Updated BIBs
- Counts of overdue letters for each letter number
- Count of Aleph Digital Metadata records
- Count of items or titles by collection
- Count of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-02)" vs "Report of New and Updated Catalog Records - by Cataloger (com-03)"
- Count of patrons in Aleph
- Count of specific Word index
- Count of titles held by our library. Unique titles?
- Count of z00p's for publishing_set doesn't match OPAC hits
- Course, instructor, etc., info does not display in Web Brief or Full
- course-01: "Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for _dev"
- COURSE-DOC-SORT-TYPE works sometimes, not others
- Courses appear in the GUI, but no docs or items display
- Course Catalog New: "Unable to create bib record"
- Course Doc List -- Search: "Failed to Add Doc."
- Course Doc List - Search: "Error parsing find request"
- Course Doc List does not show documents linked to courses
- Course info in regular catalog
- Course info not displaying after v20 upgrade
- Course list does not sort correctly
- Course Notes Created in Version 20 Not Stored in Bib Records
- Course not displaying in reserves opac
- Course Reading: Browse Results List Differs: Index No. v. No of Recs
- Course reading -- duplicate records in Primo *MASTER RECORD*
- Course Reading - Catalog New - no document fields displayed
- Course reading - search button inactive
- Course reading - search problem: "Library Code XXX20 not in file library.ini"
- Course Reading Contains Strange Symbols (XML Tags Included in Display)
- Course Reading field 260$$c to field 008
- Course Reading Know-How
- Course Reading list in OPAC is missing instructor, author and title info
- Course Reading module clean-up or removal of library
- Course Reading module is not working following the UE 18-19
- Course reading overdue notices
- Course reading printouts and form_description.eng
- Course reading records not visible in opac, but okay in gui
- Course Reserves, Union View, and Publishing
- Course Reserves: "BIB document has ITM link. Create ADM anyway?"
- Course Reserves: Bib Info tab, MARC Record display contains duplicate lines
- Course reserves (xxx30) libraries unavailable
- Course Reserves books lack author, title, course info info in Web
- Course reserves doesn't return any results; it just redisplays the search page
- Course Reserves Functionality in Multi-ADM Environment
- Course Reserves library - type ITM links missing
- Course Reserves module - list of courses - allow more than 10 to display?
- Course Reserves not displaying Bibliographic data in OPAC
- Course Reserves not populating
- Course Reserves public display not filtering by period
- Course reserves showing items from previous semesters
- Course Reserves stops; "Enviroment Table needs more than 1000 lines"
- Course Reserves Upgrade Express doc error; corrupted triggers
- Course Reserves z69: "table or view does not exist"
- Course Reserve Base includes Suppressed records in OPAC
- Course Reserve Browse indexes all have " " in the first column ("No. of Recs")
- Course Reserve Browse indexes not working
- Course Reserve documents all 0 even though there are documents attached
- Course Reserve documents don't show up in the Documents list
- Course Reserve document added but not attached to course
- Course reserve hold does not block renewal
- Course Reserve indexing jobs don't work for empty library
- Course reserve records not appearing in OPAC
- Course Reserve z13u not building for certain records
- Course Summary / Course Report confusion
- Course Unit field not included in expand_doc_course CNO-n fields
- Courtesy Notices (cir-10) are not sent to patrons by e-mail
- Courtesy notices - is it possible to sent notices only once per loan?
- Courtesy notices sent for loans that were already returned
- Crash creating HOL record: "Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable.."
- Create a job_list entry for cir-51 to run monthly
- Create a list of all authors and the num of related titles
- Create Collection, Item Status and Item Process Status for a new Library
- Create Hold function in order records does not place hold on item
- Create HOL record gets "failed to execute"; high CPU for Oracle
- create_ora_user_b doesn't use get_ora_passwd
- Create permanent link to search results in WEB OPAC
- Create pickup hold requests across ADMs
- Create Primo thumbnails from the jpegs (access files) not the preservation master files.
- Create Read-Only User for Accessing Aleph Oracle Tables
- Create Read-Only User in Oracle
- create_rts: "Cannot find or open library file: -l java"; AIX
- create_rts fails with error "ld: fatal: file [...] crti.o: open failed"
- create_rts fails with error message "ld: cannot find -lgcc"
- CREATE SESSION privilege lacks
- CREATE SYNONYM error: name is already used by an existing object
- CREATE TABLE errors in Upgrade Express logs; "insufficient privileges"
- Create Tar File for ALEPH Published Records (publish-06): input file
- Create Tar File for ALEPH Published Records (publish-06) incomplete
- create Untraced Reference headings
- Create Z00_ID: "such column list already indexed"
- create_z127: "Error writing to Z100 in:USR00"
- Creating allocations based on specific amounts (from Admin.) -- not percentages
- Creating an Oracle index on a column which has none
- Creating a browse index for call numbers in XXX30 library
- Creating a customised loans summary letter (BOR-PRINT in pc_tab_exp_field.eng)
- Creating a list of ILL loans (Patron Request Report (ill-74)
- Creating bib records from xml-format input records
- Creating commands for submitting jobs from command line or including in job_list
- Creating custom GUI services
- creating holds at point of order
- Creating HOL records adds additional subfields
- Creating New Staff Accounts
- Creating or updating SSH user passwords on the server
- Creating SQL equivalent of p_cir_11
- Creating sublibraries for non-ADM library
- Creating two tab16 tables for different loan periods
- Creating z00r tables for authorities: "invalid STORAGE option"
- Creating Z106 / p_manage_19
- Creation of AVA field avoided
- Creation of Logical Base Based on 4 Collection Locations (Not Sublibraries)
- Credit/Debit Accounting in Aleph; exporting of Cash transactions
- Crontab
- crontab syntax: date/time parameters
- Cron jobs released 1 hour late
- cron job to read last-doc-number's
- Cross-references missing after incorrect run of p_manage_02 (like KB 8192-4172)
- Crossing brief recs results in history
- Cross references missing/disappearing from Brief Recs
- Cross references missing after running p_manage_102 / p_manage_02
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilty in KB item 15562 - Solved?
- CRTL hot keys sometimes not working in Cataloging client
- csh command to start job daemon
- CTRL-C in util after starting oclc_server, kills the oclc_server process
- CTRL-F3 for 651#0 doesn't bring up "SDG" code in "Choose Library"
- CTRL F3 (Search headings) for 830: "request is beyond last heading ...
- CTRL F3 and View Docs to remote AUT library
- Ctrl F3 takes the contents of the Field and does not find matching Authorities heading
- ctx_sync_error, ORA-20000 and DRG-10502
- Current bookings exist - loaning is not possible
- Current version of "How To Run Index Jobs"?
- Cursor position changes when switching screen size in editing cataloging records
- Cursor position on Order Search screen
- Cursor Shifts To Overwrite Mode When OCLC Connexion Client Is Open
- Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases
- Customer access to OPAC: Unknown Host / DNS address could not be found
- customer code" in util_sp (Service Pack utility)
- Customer defined alephanumerical fields not displaying in rest-dlf
- Customising forms in ALEPH client (Acquisitions Multi Arrival Form)
- Customization of pc_b_eng and error_eng files in version 17-up **MASTER RECORD**
- Customized Cataloging MARC Tags Print with the "CAT" tags removed
- Customized reports are sent twice via email with different contents
- Customize format of z30-item-sequence in missing-items-report
- Customize OPAC e-mail signature block
- Customize the Field to Search menus of the Advanced Search in OPAC
- Customizing Event Sounds in Circulation Module
- Customizing Letter Forms Using print.ini
- Customizing Services Menu Controls in the GUI for Running Batch Jobs
- Customizing Settings in the ARC Tool
- Custom http headers
- Custom job in job_list: "Unable to open log"
- Custom job never finishes.
- Custom services -- check input file
- Custom services hang (do not complete) in v20
- Custom services permissions problems in version 19
- Custom services status remains at running with an end time of 00:00
- Cutover from Aleph version 2n to version 23
- Cutover phase upgrade Aleph 18 to 20
- CVE-2014-3718: Cross Site Scripting in Aleph
- CVE-2014-3719: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Aleph
- CVE-2014-6271 (shellshock bash bug) and /exlibris/product/util/bash
- CVE-2015-0235 - "Ghost" vulnerability in the glibc library?
- CVE-2017-12617 Apache-Tomcat vulnerability
- Daily alert on Aleph hosted server
- Dangers in "Procedure for Porting Production Data to a Test Server"...
- Dash replaced by space in ISSN search via z39.50
- data in call number column in item with or without subfield
- Data Pump: job does not exist; unable to create master table; name is already used ...
- Data Security Issue z308-verification (password) in XML Output File
- Data transfer for switch to production: Oracle data only?
- Date-to Configuration When Creating a New Patron Address
- Dates are not printed correctly on the ILL arrival slip
- Dates in dd-mm-yyyy format instead of mm-dd-yyyy
- Dates when making hold requests on Web OPAC
- Date display in ARC2 after upgrade
- Date Field Error Message when Attempting Loan Request in OPAC
- DATE in job_list filename: just month/day, just day, etc.
- Daylight Savings Time one month earlier (March 2007)
- DBD Oracle errors
- DB size in "Request for Aleph Installation form"
- Deactivating Advance booking
- Deactivating a course and its items **MASTER RECORD**
- Deactivating HTMLprint
- Deadlock detected
- Deadlock Errors
- Dealing with UE warning & error messages for XSL files
- Debits/credits for Lost transactions remain in Active Cash -- despite 0 balance
- debug mode for p_manage_50
- Declared Lost z35-event-type 65
- Decrypting z308_verification field for sending z308 data to vendor
- Deep linking to Booking page in Aleph OPAC
- DEFAULT-ADDRESS switch not working with Fast Patron Registration
- Defaulting "Add VAT to Total Amount" to checked; setting VAT to Y retroactively
- Defaults for new patrons
- Default end-request-date; fixed date?
- Default fixed-field values for "Catalog Order" bib record
- Default for tab_filing expand_num column 4
- Default language for new library card
- Default library to search in Opac after login
- Default Order Values: Order Status and Collection
- Default patron address issue (address type 01 vs. 02)
- Default sort of Brief List in GUI
- Default sort of brief results in different bases
- Default tab in Invoice Line Item form
- Default values in patron registration form vanish
- Default value for z30_material in Acq-created item
- Default view of record in lower pane of GUI
- Default Sort Type in the Order Invoice Lines Display
- Defective "ELAPSED-TIME" lines in pc_server log
- Define additional fields in the brief list of the GUI
- Define Defaults for Automatic Opening of Monograph Items in Acquisitions
- Define Subject Line in Email Sent by Job / Task Manager
- Define the size of frame.
- Defining Google Book Search to display 776 and 020
- Defining Mail Server in alephcom.ini
- Defining the mailserver in ARC
- Defining the mailserver in ARC 4
- Defining Verficiation Type options in GUI
- Definition of Z13 and tab22 and their relationship
- Del-Information in BIB and item record
- Delay in appearance of newly cataloged xxx30 record in GUI Course Doc List
- Delay in records being searchable after z07 has been processed
- DELETE-ERROR-CODE=10" in ue_11 log file
- Delete-loan button as substitute for Return of loan
- DELETE-SUBFIELD in generic fix deletes fixed fields
- Deleted 852s by accident running p_manage_21
- Deleted Course Reading records still show up in search results
- Deleted holdings showing in OPAC
- Deleted index entries remain, new entries are not added (non searchable)
- Deleted records (bibs) remain indexed and searchable in OPAC
- Deleted records don't get "d" in field LDR, pos. 5
- Deleted records remain searchable in LC Resource File in GUI search
- Deleted records retrieved by Web OPAC number search
- Deleted records still appear in database
- Deleted records with "STA Deleted" field retrieved via WTP index
- Deleted record is searchable via the OPAC
- Delete ALEPH Published Records (publish-05)", "Initial Publishing Process (publish-04)" return completed but fail to run - no catalogue available in Primo
- Delete ALEPH Published Records (publish-05) does not delete all records
- Delete All ADAM Objects
- Delete all patrons from Aleph test system including claims, loans etc.
- Delete a subfield only when it has specific text in it using a batch job
- Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records (manage-33)": running in ADM or HOL library
- Delete BIB Recs Incl. Related ADM/HOL Recs (manage-33): BATCH-DELETE lines
- Delete field 260$$b according to specific field content
- Delete field FMT when record is deleted
- Delete Form Name from All Printouts
- Delete LOAN/HOLD in OPAC
- Delete Multiple Hold Requests is deleting all expired hold requests
- Delete Non linked ADM Record with Item
- Delete on order items for a specific record
- Deleting "ghost" items in the z30 table
- Deleting "stub" Course Reserve doc records not attached to CNO
- Deleting (old, inactive) patrons who still have SSN's
- Deleting 8,000 bib records with same oclc number
- Deleting ADM records with orders attached
- Deleting ALL Patrons from TEST
- deleting bibliographic record connected to a course
- Deleting catalogue records from particular collections
- Deleting Empty, Unlinked Headings
- Deleting inactive barcodes (z308 type 01)
- Deleting items from Course Reserves
- Deleting leading dash in Web OPAC holdings statement
- Deleting old fines
- Deleting Oracle datafiles
- Deleting orphaned HOL records (HOL records whose items have been deleted)
- Deleting records with p_manage_18
- Deleting type 02 (ssn) z308's via SQL
- Deleting unattached bib records from xxx30
- Deleting USM demo libraries from tab_base.eng
- Deleting/purging patron and cash records **MASTER RECORD**
- Deletion of 005 field in Publishing
- Deletion of Authority Records Not Linked to BIB Records
- Deletion of expired / not-picked-up hold requests **MASTER RECORD**
- Deletion of Hold Requests
- Deletion of items (z30 records)
- Deletion of PAR links
- Deletion of subfield with specific field content
- Delivery of Booked Items Does Not Turn Booking Into Loan
- Demo library abc01 has more than 80k documents
- Denied permission for Task Manager FileList
- Denying access to particular collections to particular OPAC users
- Dependencies between indicators, subfields, tagfields
- Derived analytics have wrong format
- Derive AUT record works for default aut library only.
- Deriving a new authority record from a bib record and creation of 670
- Description can not be added when check in item added
- Description of z114
- Despite specifying "N" (and DEVICE-06) for HoldSlip preview appears with wrong printer
- Details missing from the EDI order sent to suppliers in LI (LIST) format
- Determine if Apache software used by an Ex Libris Product Includes a Certain Module
- Determine Version of OpenSSL Software used by an Ex Libris Product
- Determining maximum z68_order_number
- Determining Number of Patrons Added to Database Since a Certain Date
- Determining order of items in web OPAC
- Determining what records are being sent to Primo
- Determining who submitted a particular batch job
- Dewey Decimal call numbers not working correctly in item-01 or item-05
- Diacritics and non-Latin characters in sublibrary and Collection codes
- Diacritics don't display with Internet Explorer
- Diacritics incorrect in z30 item records
- Diacritics not displaying correctly in Course number index.
- Diacritics wrong in OCLC records; Error: character X".." not defined
- Diagnosing "This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to..." message
- Diagnosing firewall problems
- Diagnosing message "SP2-0306: Invalid option"
- Diagnosing slow bib record indexing; ue_01 stages **MASTER RECORD**
- Diagnosing ue_21 performance problems
- Differences in p_cir_50, 51, and 52
- Difference between "Lost" and "Missing"
- Difference between Closed Stacks, Reading Room, and Course Reserves
- Difference between ILL archiving services ill-88 and ill-72
- Difference between VENDOR-SHARING “0” and “1”
- Difference between Z303-ILL-ACTIVE-LIMIT and Z303-ILL-TOTAL-LIMIT
- Difference Between z69_scan_info and z69_search_info
- Difference in length of utf_files version of table vs. $data_tab
- Difference in output of p_ cir_30 and p_cir_37
- Different behaviour for my-folders and emailing records
- Different currency in Circ/Acq
- Different font sizes in searching page depending on the language
- Different grace period for late recalled items
- Different GUI Services submission menus/screens depending on port #
- Different Modules and Sublibrary Addresses
- Different offline GUI circ program required with change to Red Hat Linux server?
- Different report results saxon7 vs saxon8
- Different results for same search in GUI vs OPAC
- Different results when searching the abc01 (BIB) and abc60 (HOL) libraries
- Difficulty with semi-annual seasonal pattern
- Digital bookplate
- Directories for EDI incoming records
- directory ..alephcombin and directory ..alephcombin_v
- Error: “Directory v:\al500-22-prod doesn't exist, Installation not complete!”, when installing Network GUI on win 10
- Direct index equivalent to util f/1/28 (for Words) and util f/1/29 (for ACC)?
- Direct updates to Item sublibrary, collection, and call number do not work (when X852-ITEM-OVERRIDE=Y)
- Direct URL link to My Account
- Disable Item Advance Booking for Using on a Particular Date
- Disabling "Is the Patron Present" Popup when Renewing Items
- Disabling downlinks to child records from parent record in Web OPAC
- Disabling the "Pay Sum" button
- Disabling the pop-up message when you return an item that is not on loan
- disallowed characters for invoice number field
- Discarded items being searchable in OPAC
- Discard and Binding codes
- Discrepancies between invoices in Aleph and payments in Finance system
- Discrepancy between GUI and WebOPAC requests for a patron
- Discrepancy in name authority record, find search
- Discrepancy in z68 Record
- Disk almost filled; cleaning up disk space
- Disk I/O and CPU jump each weekday at 3:10 pm
- Disk space needed for parallel indexing
- display:creator field not being created in Primo for particular Aleph author
- Displayed in different languages using Z39.50
- Displayed Unpaid Cash Transactions Updating to "Paid" Without Human Intervention
- Displaying "12 midnight" or "12 noon" for due dates on circulation notices
- Displaying 245 $p in OvP Loans List
- Displaying and Using URL links in Web OPAC Brief Display Record Format
- Displaying canceled orders in OPAC and Primo
- Displaying diacritics in SQL reports
- Displaying format in Web OPAC
- Displaying multivolume sets in ascending order
- Display Author from Statement of responsibility in My Library Card - Acq Request
- Display Cross References for Field 510 in AUT Library
- Display field 856 in citation format in OPAC and provide a link to URL
- Display Item Process Name in Primo instead of NonCirculating Value
- Display just the due date
- Display of ambiguous headings in authority lib lacks space between $$a and $$7
- Display of Authority record Public Note in OPAC browse list
- display of a description in ARC Item Statistics
- Display of Bib Records in OPAC and GUI
- Display of collection for a specific sub-library in items module
- Display of combined characters in Aleph GUI
- Display of Course Reserves information in OPAC is incomplete
- Display of Due Date in Aleph ("After Recall ...")
- Display of field/subfield in heading index
- Display of field 264c in Brief format (www_tab_short.lng)
- Display of garbage 'Note' in upper pane of course doc
- Display of HOL record extremely slow.
- Display of ILL Request Bibliographic Info on Separate Lines in Web OPAC
- Display of item in module Course Reading
- Display of item in the OPAC - how to avoid?
- Display of item statistic descriptions in ARC reports
- Display of Local Borrower Records / ALEPH Borrower Record
- Display of Local Patron Records in Circulation
- Display of number of records in browse (max-z02-count / ACC-COUNT-LIMIT)
- Display of patron list slower in v22
- Display of SFX button in Web OPAC when user is not logged in
- Display of specific subfield in an extra field with different field name in GUI and OPAC
- Display of Suppressed Holdings in Web OPAC
- Display of xrefs where sub-field $w of AUT record has less than 4 characters
- Display of z13u in report ret-adm-01
- Display order of shelf list with numbers
- Display Patron ID in Hold Requests list?
- Display the Call Number in the GUI Brief List
- Display z30-note-circulation in "Print Letter - Hold request filled"
- Distinction between Reservations and Requests
- Distribution Of Service Charges And Postage Across An Invoice
- DLF API type=history
- dlib and util commands are slow
- dlib command gives message: "Error in library name"
- dlib gets "command not found"
- Documentation "How to index virtual fields"
- Documentation Error: tab_attr_sub_library
- Documentation error in How to Load OCLC Records into ALEPH (V1.8)
- Documentation for Apache installation in v.16
- Documentation for HTMLprint.exe and HTMLprint.ini
- Documentation for use of caret (^) in serials prediction
- Documentation needed on expand routine X-AVAIL (AVE; UEA log #4258)
- Documentation of how to copy Aleph
- Documentation of “Global Changes (manage-21)”
- Documentation on fields in column 1 in font.ini
- Documentation on how to configure JBOSS
- Documentation on server_monitor
- Documentation on virtualization, sizing
- Documentation on z35 event types and how they are assigned
- Documentation Update: to Load Authority Records (manage-31)
- Document Information tab on Course Doc List "Catalog New" screen is blank
- Doc Fix - user_list_aleph_local Should Be Y
- Doc Portal: "Access denied: you do not have permission to view this document".
- Doc Validation Error: 007: Field length is 06; expected ..
- Does adam-02 update bibliographic records?
- Does Aleph 20 support Oracle 11gR2
- Does Aleph 20 work with Red Hat 6?
- Does Aleph have a limit on the number of loans that show on the item record?
- Does Aleph keep track of WHEN an item was marked claim return?
- Does Aleph need to be down when doing the Oracle extract/export?
- Does Aleph need to be down when running Upgrade Express export?
- Does Aleph provide output to the Outlook calendar format (*ics)?
- Does Aleph support ODBC connection?
- Does an aleph instance need to have USMnn libraries?
- Does ARC 2.0 support Oracle 11?
- Does a large number of items per BIB record impact the system?
- Does copy/paste in Gui Catalog consult tab_merge & tab_merge_overlay?
- Does current Service Pack include previous Service Packs?
- Does DigiTool support Remote Storage?
- Does file-98 [Load BNA Records] create orders and invoices?
- Does going to Alma require upgrade to Aleph 22?
- Does implementing rpc 3681 also work for IE 7 and 8?
- Does library need to be locked when z309 records are being deleted?
- Does p-file-93 expect UTF-8 or MARC8?
- Does PDQ require STA $$aDeleted (rather than 902 deleted field)?
- Does PDS 1.3 support Shibboleth 2.2?
- Does Running p_manage_64 Again "Re-Encrypt" the Z308 Verification?
- Does Self-Check use z111 table?
- Does SIP2 handle type "02" barcodes?
- Does stopping job daemon keep all jobs from running or just job_list jobs?
- Does TAB z01 have an IND z01_id6?
- Does Toggling Circ Down in util w/5 Prevent User Holds and Renewals in OPAC?
- Does Unlocking CTXSYS Constitute A Security Risk?
- Does Util D save the pc_display_eng directory?
- Does util g/2 last-doc-number tell you how many doc records are in the library?
- Does util w/5 operate on all libraries -- or just the one you are dlib-ed to?
- Does X-Server API call "renew-all" exist and/or work?
- Does xxx01 library reindexing necessitate xxx50 or xxx60 reindexing?
- Does Z13 Call Number use bib record call number field -- or HOL rec?
- Dollar-sign in title Cataloging client title bar treated as variable
- Dots at end of aleph_startup log
- Dot as a wild card for SRU query
- Double-listing of locations on bib record
- double entries in e-shelf/double e mails when using FireFox
- Double FMT Field in Lending ILLSV APDU doc
- Double index entries for AUT index in BIB database
- Double listing of patron statuses and types in patron record and services
- Double Patrons in Patron List Window; barcode beginning with space
- Download and Install Previous SP in Production Environment
- Download information Aleph 21 Service Pack
- Download information Aleph 22 Service Pack
- Download information Aleph 23 Service Pack
- Download information UEX kits and Aleph Installation Kit (AIK)
- Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)" not working anymore
- Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03) parameter - Export deleted records
- Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03) with MAB data export to MARC format
- Downtime when installing a new service pack
- Do Aleph ports make use of tcp wrappers?
- Do ALEPH processes require the Oracle Listener?
- Do Ex Libris products work OK with Internet Explorer version 7 (IE7)?
- Do Harrassowitz EDI invoices have the correct volume format?
- Do I have Locally-Managed Tablespace?
- Do I need tab03? Or can I ignore the message in the logs?
- Do I need to shut down Aleph to run the Java/JDK utility/patch (March 2007)?
- Do marked (commented) lines count towards the table line limit?
- Do sublibrary codes need to be unique?
- Do the contents of OPAC emails reside on the server?
- Do USMnn libraries need to be included in every xxx_STARTUP_LIBS?
- Do we have access to Oracle Enterprise Manager?
- Do we need have to have wildcard lines ("########") in tab17, column 2?
- Do we need the z403 table if we don't have ADAM?
- Do we need to do anything for Self-Check in the upgrade from v16 to v18?
- Do we need to import the Demo Libraries for the second site of the consortium?
- Do we need z120 and z127 in the xxx01 file_list?
- Do you provide a 64 bit version of the Aleph GUI client?
- dpupgdiag.sql vs, dbupgdiag.sql
- DRG-10758 when building up Z91
- Drill Through report for # of Circulation Transactions per Budget never finishes
- drop downs menues display only code and not the text
- Drop down list for VAT code for general invoice in Acquisitions
- Drop table with purge option; RECYCLEBIN
- DROWN vulnerability (CVE-2016-0800)
- du: WARNING: Circular directory structure.
- Dublette Inventarnr. verhindert Abspeichern
- Due-date for today's loans is today, when it *should* be today 30
- Due dates for recalled items incorrect or display incorrectly; due_date_format 4
- Due dates of Sept. 31, Oct. 32, etc.
- Due Date 20 January 2038
- Due date display in OPAC
- Due date display in the Cataloging module
- Due date for 2 hour reserve material when loaned close to closing time
- Due date for items which should have a 3-week loan is just one day
- Due date is same as check out date
- Due date of 1/19/2038
- Due Hour in Web item list displays a time even when item is Lost
- Due time is incorrect
- Dummy Heading in Staff Privileges; pw_library not in Access Rights
- Duplicated call numbers
- Duplicated Item in Cataloguing module appears in order for another item
- Duplicated values in sub-library-address-1-occ for loan-notice-letter
- Duplicate AVA / item info generated in Course Reserves Publishing
- Duplicate billing for lost books
- Duplicate cash transactions
- duplicate CNO fields in OPAC
- Duplicate course can't be deleted. Incorrectly tied to another course.
- Duplicate e-mails with Save/Mail in Web OPAC
- Duplicate fields being printed with p_print_08
- Duplicate Field After Abbreviation Expand
- Duplicate holdings display in OPAC for "bound-with" records
- Duplicate holdings display in WebOPAC (for multiple material types)
- Duplicate holdings statements
- Duplicate Holding records for Aleph E-book records
- Duplicate item barcodes
- Duplicate item barcode created in xxx50 library for regular bib and then ILL
- Duplicate notices received at bccaddress email-address
- Duplicate Order Numbers
- Duplicate order numbers with sublibrary prefix; no counter in util g/2
- Duplicate Patron ID" message when creating new patron record
- Duplicate patron ID" / "Duplicate patron barcode" creating new patrons
- Duplicate patron ID's *MASTER RECORD*
- Duplicate patron records **MASTER RECORD**
- Duplicate price from another field
- Duplicate Record Validation Checks
- Duplicate Z00R fields
- Duplicate Z308 IDs
- Duplicate Z308 ID’s Created When Different ID Types Are Used Across Libraries
- Duplicating bib field into another bib field; copying field from HOL to bib
- Duplicating vendor addresses
- Duplication in "Check Report for Patron" Message
- Duplizieren von Exemplaren
- DVD can not be added to course
- E-mail body text from short-mail
- E-mail from the GUI in UTF-8 format
- E-mail messages from ALEPH into Outlook - Mail Attachment = E-mail Body Only
- E-mail Payment Receipt to Patron Who Paid Fine
- E-payment via Aleph SIP2 Server
- E-reserve - how to expand HOL 856 to xxx30 record
- Each day between 1:15 -> 2:30: very slow OPAC; timeouts; "base/library not avail
- ebook designation in tab_type_config.eng
- Ebrary record deletion
- edi-10 invoice load updates; rolling back / undoing load
- edi-11 fails with “Cannot append file” / "Could not create file" messages
- EDI: Map of EDIteur messages sent by ALEPH and sent to Aleph
- Editing captions in tab05.eng
- Editing holdings and item records; OWN tags
- Editing LDR Records Did Not Update the FMT Contents
- edit_doc.lng column 1 formats
- edit_doc_999.eng
- Edit info in Item pane under Item Details
- Edit OPAC configuration tables in tables navigator (AlephADM)?
- Edit variables from $aleph_root/error_eng/pc_cat_c0203
- edi 09, Error message regarding EDI vendor code
- EDI and rush orders
- EDI Check-in error, message "Item xxx does not exist"
- EDI claiming quantity note missing
- EDI claims "XSL File Missing" error message
- edi could not create budget transaction
- EDI creates invoice line items for closed orders
- EDI DESADV with error message regarding SICI code
- EDI failing for a vendor which uses SFTP
- Edi invoices, edi-10 and acq-32
- EDI invoices: needless value in field overhead amount
- EDI invoices - line items not loading in Aleph 22
- EDI invoice -- not adding shipping correctly
- EDI Invoice Loaded But Line Items Were Not Included
- EDI invoice loading, text "EXTRA LINE" in note field
- EDI invoice not loaded with “Load EDI Incoming Messages (edi-10)”
- EDI Invoice Service Charge not distributed correctly
- EDI Invoicing - Service Charge is prorating across lines
- EDI line feeds
- EDI Object Code
- EDI orders; pricing information
- EDI orders not being received
- EDI Order message sent by ALEPH is lacking the NAD+BY segment
- EDI order missing UNB UNOC:3 section
- EDI Order Rejected Because Vendor Server Was Down
- EDI Question
- EDI report ran successfully but no invoice was built
- EDI vendor code NNN doesn't exist in the database
- Effective due date" text showing on 'no recall' holds
- Effect of expired end-hold-request date
- Effect of "www_z37_recall_type 01" if p_cir_13 is not run
- ELAPSED-TIME" in pc_server logs and actual response time
- Electronic resources with no items have 'Check holdings' in Primo
- elib-29 in new xxx40 has error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
- elib-67 did not finish, xxx10 locked
- ELIB Documentation "Tabel programmer" (elib_tabel_prog.doc)
- Eliminate URL Pop Up Window When Activating SFX Link from Aleph
- Eliminating libraries from "Choose Bibligraphic Library" dialog box
- Eliminating popup windows for subject and other searches
- EL Commons
- Emailing a patron: Formatted data copied into message loses formatting
- Emailing records from GUI
- Email address in ARTEmail files with ADD keyword
- Email Address in Emailed Forms and Notices is Duplicated
- Email from My e-Shelf
- Email from Opac contains blank lines
- Email notice with line > 259 is broken by carriage return or space
- Email of search results not received
- email text "The University of Ex Libris Library is sending you a mail ..."
- Email with DRL: display wraps and is unusable Email
- Empty list of tables for xxx50 library in AlephADM Tables Navigator
- Empty Patron Address Lines in Forms Leave Empty Spaces at Form Top
- Empty record format list when opening Z39.50 record in CAT module
- Empty Sub-Library Address Lines in Forms Leave Empty Space at Form Top
- Empty table: tab_system_status
- Empty table /exlibris/aleph/u19_2/alephe/tab/tab_system_status
- Empty tab_z105
- Empty title in Brief Recs (sorted, z0101) for 245 with $$6 and filing indicator
- Empty xsl files in .alephcomfilesxxx50printtemplateseng
- Empty XSL files under .xxx60Templateseng on pc
- Enable ARC to take Imprint and Year from Field 260 or 264
- Encoding problems in e-mails from the GUI
- Encrypting the LDAP password in ldap.conf
- Encryption of user id and password in SIP2
- Encumbered budget is blank on invoiced order
- Encumbering standing orders
- Encumbrances - zeroing for serial and standing orders
- Encumbrances didn't roll over; "annual fund" box not checked
- Encumbrance active amount shown when order is invoiced and paid
- Encumbrance not releasing properly (remaining amount calculated incorrectly)
- Encumbrance price in budget record not updated
- Endnote configuration, field TY
- EndNote option in WWW OPAC
- End Block date not updated after migration to Aleph 21
- End Hold Date is set to earlier date and may be even earlier than Hold Date
- End request date not correct in X-service
- English messages in GER files
- ENG form of subject not in index list
- Enhancement process - Aleph Q&A
- Enhancing the DLF-API loan renew service to provide details when renewal is failed
- Entering several unicode values in tab_word_breaking does not work properly
- Entering text by its Unicode values in the Search query fields
- Enterprise Manager Database Control, Oracle JVM, & XMLDB required with Oracle 11
- Entries in Aleph Services in OPAC appear double
- Environment access considerations for troubleshooting
- Equipment records not found by call number
- ERM user and password in staff record not supported
- Erroneous "File ... does not exist" in GUI Services job submission
- Erroneous "Renew not allowed" for renewal by patron in OPAC
- Erroneous 0054 Charges Assessed for Lost Items
- Error! Item Creation process failed. Try again." in v16 Course Reserves
- ERROR-messages during UTIL SP 8 (SP 20.2.6)
- Error:missing program" message - **Comprehensive discussion of causes**
- Error: (c0309 get 14) "Subscription No. 1 is out of item issue date"
- Error: ... is not allowed in $data_tab/tab100 of library
- Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for abcnn_dev
- Error: Existing Oracle Home has version , PLease upgrade to before you can continue"
- Error: function WEB-BRIEF missing program <expand_doc_bib_loc_l_b2 >
- Error: io_z00 - table doesn't exist ... USR00; update_cursor1 z103
- Error: io_z00 - table doesn't exist in database or tab_io_remote ..." *GENERAL*
- Error: last-batch-job-no sequence is not found" [for usr_library]
- Error: last-batch-job-no sequence is not found in USR00
- Error: Load: .../tab03" -- a problem?
- Error: missing program <b_manage_01_b_to_blank_n>
- Error: missing program <line_no_translate>
- Error: missing program check_doc_mab_idn
- Error: missing program check_doc_mandatory" in pc_server log
- Error: missing program fix_doc_merge_1 in batch service log
- ERROR: No package found for jpeg2000.
- ERROR: ORA-04023: Object SYS.STANDARD could not be validated or authorized
- Error: Output file name cannot be found
- Error: PLAIN-ONLY is not allowed in $data_tab/tab100 of library ABC01
- Error: tar command failed in backup logs: "File changed as we read it"
- Error: write_xml_to_clob: ...unable to extend lob segment ...Z00P_SEGNAME by ...