Adding new PC: server_ip_allowed, tab_attr_sub_library, & firewall
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
What do we need to do to add a new GUI PC, with a new ip-address?
The PC ip-address is found in two Aleph tables:
ADM xxx50/tab/tab_attr_sub_library.lng
The "P" lines in server_ip_allowed control pc server access.
P A IP individual address
P A 158.234.*.* IP range
If you have line like this
P A *.*.*.* allow all IPs
That means that server_ip_allowed is allowing all ip addresses.
The ./xxx50/tab/tab_attr_sub_library.lng defines what functions a particular ip address or range of ip addresses is allowed to perform for what sublibraries.
The functions are loan/return, transfer, Reading Room, and various cash functions.
Also, the new ip address *may* need to be added to your firewall "rule" to allow it to access the pc_server port (standard: 6991)
Note: If you are a hosted/RITS/Direct or Total Care site and the ip address is outside the range of ip addresses you have provided Ex Libris, the hosting server firewall may need to be updated.
For security reasons it is recommended to use VPN access to your server when you are working from home.
Category: System Management (500)
- Article last edited: 25/03/2020