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    Blank records & recs from previous semester displaying in Course Reserves OPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    For some time we have been experiencing problems with Course Reserves. There are many empty records and titles from previous semesters. To see this...

    Click on "Databases", "ABC Reserve Room".
    Set the search field to "Instructor", and enter "Garrett".

    The first title which displays is an older, not a current, item.
    The following six have no content, other than an early-generated system number.
    This is what I mean by an "empty record".

    The abc30 document numbers of the blank records seen in the OPAC are as follows:

    Sys. no. 000000340
    Sys. no. 000000339
    Sys. no. 000000338
    Sys. no. 000000337
    Sys. no. 000000341
    Sys. no. 000000336

    abc30 util f/4 shows that these documents have been deleted.

    The following SQL shows that the blank documents are ones which have z07 records waiting to be processed:

    abc30@ALEPH2> select z07_rec_key from z07 where z07_rec_key like '00000033%';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    Thus, it seems that, though these doc records were deleted, the WIN (Word, Instructor) word entries for these doc records were never deleted. ue_01 is the process which does this deletion/updating.

    abc30 util c/1 shows that ue_01 is not running. You need to do util e/1 in order to start it in order to process these z07 records.

    In addition, the $alephe_root/aleph_start.private file needs to have abc30 added to it, so that the ue_01 process and the abc30 batch queue will be started automatically.

    setenv QUE_STARTUP_LIBS "$QUE_STARTUP_LIBS sys01 sys10 sys60 sy
    s21 abc50 abc30"
    setenv WORD_STARTUP_LIBS "$WORD_STARTUP_LIBS sys01 sys10 sys60 s
    ys21 abc50 abc30"

    The first line in Garrett results is abc30 doc 000000190. As seen in util f/4, this doc has the following CNO-6 field:

    CNO-6 |1 Fall

    The "wpe" (period) qualifiers (for the wpe Word index) for the xxx30 bases in tab_base.eng control which semesters' records appear in the OPAC.

    If you want to exclude this record from the current abc30 OPAC results, then you need to specify a base which does not include "fall" as a "wpe" period. Such as: wpe=winter or wpe=spring .

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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