How can we set RapidILL to only accept lending requests from our electronic collections?
With many libraries moving to work from home and not able to supply scans from their physical collection, a new option was developed to set lenders to electronic-resource lending only. This means that you can configure to only receive lending requests for material in your electronic collections (e-articles, e-chapters).
This doesn’t require a holdings update. It is just a simple configuration change on the Rapid side.
If you are working remotely, and can only fill requests from your electronic resources, Please contact us and ask for “electronic resource lending only”.
How can we set our RapidILL lending to be completely offline?
If you would like to schedule your lending to be offline for a specific period of time, you can create a Lending Off event via the RapidILL web page: https://rapid.exlibrisgroup.com/Ill/LendingOff. If you would like to go offline without an end date, Please contact us and we’ll manually shut your lending off and can re-enable as needed.
Can we shut off our RapidR Returnables borrowing and lending independently of RapidILL articles and chapters?
Yes, we can adjust your lending to fit your situation. Articles, chapters and RapidR can all be adjusted independently. Please contact us to make the adjustments.
We would like to continue RapidILL lending, but we are short-staffed and don’t believe we can manage normal lending volume. What are our options?
The Rapid team is able to temporarily reduce or increase your lending volume based on your needs. If you would like to continue lending, but would like a reduced daily volume of requests, please contact us.
How often are you able to add Open Access resources as they become available? With vendors also loosening restrictions, should we work with our tech staff to update our holdings more regularly in addition to open access content that could be added by Rapid?
The Open Access resources available through the RapidILL automated Easy Lending process currently includes around 48 million OA articles. Content is added regularly and as allowed based on current projects and development. We are reviewing this service in relation to current needs.
If you are updating your electronic collections, you are welcome to update your RapidILL holdings to ensure Rapid has an accurate representation of these changes.
How can we subscribe to the RapidILL listserv?
Follow this link: https://exlibrisusers.org/listinfo/rapidill