'Error unlocking record' when trying to save a doc record
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
Can't save doc records to server; they always get "Error unlocking record". Stopping/restarting the pc_server doesn't help.
Error in clear_vir01
1. dlib vir01
2. util a/17/14 List Existing Indexes for a Table
If z60_id is not listed as 'exists in Database', create the index:
util a/17/2 for z60_id
If this is not possible, do the following:
- shutdown Aleph
csh -f $alephe_root/aleph_shutdown
- run clear_vir01 (util x/8. Clean Virtual Library (VIR01) in cold mode.
- start Aleph
csh -f $alephe_root/aleph_startup
Then check, whether the z60_id is correctly built using util a/17/14 for z60.
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Create / Edit records (500)
- Article last edited: 11/25/2013