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    'Record updated by another user' messages

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    This is a follow-up to KB 8192-8007.

    We have encountered this error as well --but the cause is this line in tab_fix

    UE_01 expand_doc_sort

    Typically a cataloger has saved the record to the server, and then kept it active in the cataloging editor and made further changes. As the record goes through indexing the system moves a subfield to a different position as defined in tab_expand_sort. When the cataloger tries to save their changes, they receive the 'record was updated by another user' message. Since it is a mandatory error, the cataloger has to close the record without saving their changes.

    If this error was overridable how would the bib record be handled? Would the cataloger's changes be retained when 'Override' is selected? Would the changed made by tab_expand_sort also be retained?

    This is a safeguard against backing out or overriding changes made by an automated process. The version of the record currently open in the Catalogers workspace is not the latest, so it has to be closed and the current version reloaded.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013