3M Book Sorting Equipment Commands
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
What are the commands for Sorting Equipment in SIP2?
This is a return box that performs two functions:
1) an automatic book return,
2) sorts the books in several bins to facilitate the re-shelfing later.
For this equipment to work, it needs to communicate with the ILS using SIP2.
There are two different ways to communicate with the SIP2 return/sort machine:
1. through fields CR, CS, CT, CV, CY, DB.
2. via new field CL (sort bin)
"CL" (sort bin) as part of the message Checkin (09).
The definition of this new field is part of the ./[lib]/tab/tab_sip2_sort_bin.
(keywords: 3M)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013