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    AIK: "connection to the database aleph20 via listener hasn't been established"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:

    In running the AIK, the following message occurs after I select AIK: step 3:5 "Check connection to the database via listener":

    The connection to the database aleph20 via listener hasn't been established yet... ...
    Press Enter to continue

    See Resolution below.

    In one case: An old Oracle account (plain "oracle"; with no "20") was causing the problem. Removing this oracle account and all oracle users, and then reinstalling worked.

    In a second case: "The problem was resolved by uninstall and reinstall with a correct value in the host field."

    In a third case: Defined a different database name; added the network name at the appropriate place.

    In a fourth case: The configuration had some values set for RAC. (The first time through, the listener step had a choice between remote and RAC database setups. It seems that our choice (RAC) was incorrect.

    In a fifth case: An old (pre-March 13, 2012) of the AIK was being used. Using the current version corrected the problem.

    A sixth case: KB 16384-62721 ("After making corrections described in KB 16384-61809, AIK step 3.4 still fails") because the customer did not wait for the database to be registered with the listener.

    KB 16384-61809 is

    Additional Information

    Article 000044142 (KB 16384-61809) ( How to diagnose "Connection to the database xxxxx via listener hasn't been established yet"  ) is a detailed "How To" on solving problems with tnsnames.ora and listener.ora (-- as in the second and third cases above) . 

    Category: System management

    • Article last edited: 4/8/2014