AIK step 6.3: "Failed to connect to aleph21 ... TNS:lost contact"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
1. In AIK step 6.3:
LOG: inserting 3 to ./tmp/src_ts_list.list ...
LOG: finish creating ./tmp/src_ts_list.list ...
Performing some calculations, patient is a virtue ... please wait ...
Error: Failed to connect to aleph21
Tue Apr 23 09:29:30 EDT 2013 Step aleph21_add_datafiles.bash [ Failed ]
UNIX user aleph could not connect to the Oracle database aleph21 as database user ALEPH_ADMIN.
2. When trying to connect to the database as user ALEPH_ADMIN by means of SQL*Plus the following error message was received:
aleph@aleph-arc(a21_1):> sqlplus $ALEPH_ADMIN
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Apr 29 08:24:00 2013
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
The permissions on the file /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle (the Oracle server binary) are incorrect. In order to allow UNIX users other that oraleph (owner of the Oracle software) to connect to the Oracle database instance aleph21, the Set-User-ID Bit and the Set-Group-Id Bit of the file /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle must be set. This means that the permissions on the file /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle must look as follows (file mode 6751):
-rwsr-s--x /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle
However, the permissions look like this (file mode 755):
-rwxr-xr-x /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle
Shut down the Oracle database aleph21 (as UNIX user oraleph):
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate
Execute the script to set the correct the permissions on the files extjob, ..., oradism listed above (as UNIX user root):
$ su - root
# cd /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2
# ./
Set the correct the permissions on the file /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle (as UNIX user oraleph):
$ chmod 6751 /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oracle
Start the Oracle database aleph21 (as UNIX user oraleph):
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup
Verify that UNIX user aleph can connect to the Oracle database aleph21 as database user ALEPH_ADMIN:
$ su - aleph
$ sqlplus $ALEPH_ADMIN
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Execute AIK Step 6.3 again.
Additional Information
When checking the Oracle binaries in the directory /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin, it was found that the permissions on the following files were also incorrect:
Oracle requires that the Set-User-ID Bit of these files is set, too. To be more precise, the permissions on these files must look as follows:
-rwsr-x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/extjob
-rwsr-x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/jssu
-rws--x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/nmb
-rws--x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/nmhs
-rws--x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/nmo
-rwsr-x--- /exlibris/app/oracle/product/11r2/bin/oradism
Category: Installation
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013