ALEPH OPAC Profile keeps changing Brief Format view from 000 to 952
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
The default Brief Format view in the ALEPH profile appears to spontaneously change from 000 (Table) to 950 (Full View). Clear VIR01 is run every night, and there are no errors in the run as far as we can tell.
In your www_server.conf file in $alephe_root, you have the environment variable "www_update_session_id" set to "ALEPH". This variable controls the "borrower id" (for lack of a better term) that is able to update the ALEPH profile directly from the GUI. It is normally set to "UPDATE_ALEPH" or some similar kind of name. The idea is that you can create a borrower with the "UPDATE_ALEPH" ID. When a person logs into the OPAC using that ID, they can update the ALEPH (default) profile for the OPAC. However, you have it set to "ALEPH", which IS the default "borrower ID" of a non-logged-in OPAC user. So, anyone who is not logged in can change the ALEPH profile and this change then becomes the new default profile.
You want to change it so it is not "ALEPH", but something else, such as "UPDATE_ALEPH". As for users who are logged in, the changes they make to their Display Options do, indeed, appear to be permanent changes.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013