Active Supplier Request Number from Borrowing (Integrated ILL)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
There is a space on the Request Details view in ILL for the Active Supplier's Request Number, but that space is always blank -- even for items which have been received at the Borrowing Library. Shouldn't this field be populated with the Supplier's Request Number? Is there anywhere else the Borrowing Library can find the Supplier's Request Number?
Viewing the Supplier's Request Number from Borrowing is not an option. That information is not sent in the Shipping APDU and is not part of the ILL standard. The opposite is true (that is, the Lender can see the Borrower Request Number, because it is sent (ISO/DIS 10161-1 (2004), p 34-35).
What is the "Supplier Request Number" or "Active Supplier Request Number" field?
There is a paragraph about it in the SysLib Guide, p 67 and I have recommended that it say the following:
"There is an option to assign a unique request number for each request to supplier in the "Supplier Request Number" field. This number is created for each new request to a supplier and it is automatically generated from the last-bor-supp-no system counter in the ILL library UTIL G / 2 counter. This number can be displayed in the GUI-ILL-Borrowing-fourth tab: Suppliers and in the GUI-ILL-Borrowing-first tab: Request Info. It is possible to search for a request by its supplier request number using the GUI-ILL-Borrowing Search bar: select "Supplier Request Number" from the Search bar drop-down menu and type in the relevant value."
This field appears on the following screens (not editable):
[1] ILL > left pane Borrowing tab > Functional display > Borrowing Request List > lower right pane “1. Request Info.” > Active Supplier Request No. line [bor-request-expand]
[2] ILL > left pane Borrowing tab > Functional display > Borrowing Request List > lower right pane “4. Suppliers” > Supplier Request No. column [pc_tab_col.eng : PC_PARTNERS_LIST]
[3] ILL > left pane Borrowing tab > Functional display > Borrowing Request List > lower right pane “4. Suppliers” > Modify button > window bottom [ill-suppliers-list]
Related V18 REP_CHANGE: # 000870 (SKB-14806)
(If you need to use this with British Library, there is an additional SKB/RC which is referenced in SKB-14806.)
SQL QUERY (to check if the field is populated at all -- NOT NULL didn't work on our values):
select Z411_REC_KEY, Z411_REQUEST_NUMBER_1
from z411
where Z411_REQUEST_NUMBER_1 != ’ ’;
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013