Add a MARC field for Cataloging
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Desired Outcome Goal:
To add a new MARC field to be used in cataloging
Examples below show adding a 264 MARC field
1. Marc field information that is used for the fields can be found here:
2. Edit ./xxx01/tab/ tab01.lng by inserting the field with data appropriate for your field in the order you would like it to display:
D 264 00 0000 264 LProdPubDistMfgCpyrt
3. Edit ./xxx01/tab/ edit_doc_999.lng with data appropriate for your field:
## 264## D LProdPubDistMfgCpyrt Y Z
4. Edit ./xxx01/tab/ check_doc_line with data appropriate for your field:
AL XX 264 -
AL XX 264 - 2
AL XX 264 - 3
AL XX 264 - 3 0
AL XX 264 - 3 1
AL XX 264 - 3 2
AL XX 264 - 3 3
AL XX 264 - 3 4
AL XX 264 a 0 -
AL XX 264 b 0 -
AL XX 264 c 0 -
AL XX 264 3 0 1
AL XX 264 6 0 1
AL XX 264 8 0 -
5.Edit ./xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/codes.lng with the data appropriate for your field:
264 Y N N L ProdPubDistMfg L Production,Publication, Distribution, Mfg and Copyright
6.Create a table (e.g., 264_xx.eng.htm) for your field in ./xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/html :
<div class=ct1>
<div class=ct2>
First Sequence of publishing statements
^ Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest
2 Intervening
3 Current/latest
Second Function of entity
0 Production
1 Publication
2 Distribution
3 Manufacture
4 Copyright notice date
<div class=ct3>
Subfield Codes
$a Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture (R)
$b Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer (R)
$c Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice (R)
$3 Materials specified (NR)
$6 Linkage (NR)
$8 Field link and sequence number (R)
7. Run util m/7 in XXX01 to update the GUI cataloging tables
8. Run util w/3/1 in XXX01 to restart the www server
9. Run util w/3/3 in XXX01 to restart the pc server
Additional Information
The 264 tag has been added to the distributed usm01 with the v21 Minor Release (SP 2278).
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Table configuration
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013