Adding "UPD Y" to Subject Authority Records; "UPD N" to Other Authority Records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We want imported Subject authority records to have "UPD Y" and all other authority records to have "UPD N".
To give just Subject authorities "UPD Y" and the rest "UPD N":
1. Include a line like this in the ./xxx10 $data_tab/tab_fix:
XXXXX fix_doc_do_file_08 fix_upd_n
<where "XXXXX" is the label of the fix routine which you are specifying on the authority load submission screen or -- for oclc_server, in alephe_tab/tab_oclc, or, for ue_03, in the $data_tab/tab_rlin>
2. Create a fix_upd_n file in the ./xxx10/tab/import/ directory which looks like this:.
1 100%% ADD-FIELD UPD ,L,$$aN
Add the same line as the preceding for each of the following fields: 110, 111, 130, 151, 180, 181, 182, 185.
And then add this line for the 150:.
1 150%% ADD-FIELD UPD ,L,$$aY
Note: If you want *all* authority records to have UPD N, then consult KB 5787.
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013