Adding Due Hour on the GUI Circ - Items list
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Does somebody know how can we add the Due Hour on the GUI Circ - Items list ?
It is not included in the list of possible columns I see when I right-click on the bar that says "Sublibrary | Description | Collection ...".
Also, I tried to add it using pc_tab_col.lng, with the variable PC_CIR_ITEM_LIST, but I can't find the code for the column 4 which matches the Due Hour....
If you check the "Loan Filter" box, immediately below the "Items List" tab, you will find that the Due Hour is one of the columns which is included in the resulting display.
The column display comes from different pc_tab_col.eng sections, depending on whether Loan Filter is checked or not:
checked = PC_CIR_D_LOAN_LIST
unchecked = PC_CIR_ITEM_LIST
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013