Adding a new tag for indexing
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
We recently added a new library. In their previous system they were using the MARC tag 526 (subfields a,b,c) for their Accelerated Reader books. They have found they are unable to retrieve these items through the OPAC. I believe I need to create a new index and run a service, but I'm not sure which files or service to update/run. All we would like to do is be able to perform a "Words Anywhere" search for Accelerated Reader, so I'm not even sure what type of index I would create.
You don't need to create a new index. You need to do the following:
1. Add this line to the ./sys01/tab/tab11_word:
526## abc 03 WRD
2. Do util e/2 to stop the sys01 ue_01 and then util e/1 to restart it.
3. Send a few Accelerated Reader books to the server; verify that you can retrieve them using the words from the 526 tag.
4. Assuming that the preceding is OK, run p_ret_01 to create a set of all the records containing the 526 tag.
5. Use the output from step 4 as input to p_manage_40. (p_manage_40 will create a Z07 indexing request for each record in the input file.)
6. Monitor activity of ue_01 in the sys01/scratch/run_e_01 log. When ue_01 is done processing the records, they will have been indexed.
Additional Information
Note: even if you *do* need to add a new index, this method would still be preferable if the number of records needing to be re-indexed is fewer than, say, 100,000.
- Article last edited: 6/25/2014