Adding new Item Process Status
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We added two new process statuses to tab15.eng and pc_tab_exp_field.eng, but the new process statuses still do not display in the Status column of the GUI Items list.
The rule in tab15 is to list item process statuses first, then item statuses. In your library it was the opposite:
MHLRC 01 ## L Regular Y Y N N Y Y N Y N 00 C A
MHLRC 11 ## L 3 Hour Reserve Y N N N Y Y N N N 00 Y A
MHLRC 15 ## L 3 Day Loan Y N N N Y Y N N N 00 Y A
MHLRC ## RP L On Repair N N N N Y Y N N N 00 N A
MHLRC ## MI L Missing N N N N Y Y N N N 00 N A
We found that this order matters. Please change the order (first, list the item process statuses, then item statuses), and restart the pc_server.
[From site: this solved the problem.]
Additional Information
tab15, item process status
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013