Adding periods to name headings
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
Adding name headings (1XX and 7XX) to bibliographic records with a full-stop when simultaneously creating a new authority record with UPD set to Y.
Full stops added manually to a name heading are removed when saving the record to the server if the name heading is linked to a newly created authority record which (by default) has UPD set to Y. It is not possible to add a full stop to a name heading in a bib record (a requirement of the MARC 21 bibliographic standard) until the name authority record is re-imported from the Library of Congress (after 3 days) and UPD is then set to N.
Full stops should be added to the end of all 1XX and 7XX fields in bibliographic records automatically on saving to the server, but this functionality is currently not working.
When you create a new authority record without a full stop, you put the heading into the bib with the full stop and when the link is created, then new heading is written in BUT the system keeps the full stop in the bib record; this is done by tab_subfield_punctuation.
I have just tested this and can confirm that this works.
My workflow was as follows:
Create a new bib,
from the 100 field use derive new record to create an authority record (without the full stop),
save to server,
go back to bib,
insert heading and add full stop,
save to server.
The full stop ALWAYS remains in the bib record.
Additional Information
faq, full stop, name headings, update
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013