Additions to aleph_start not taking effect
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16 and up
Adding a "setenv new_ue_01 Y" line in aleph_start leads not to use of the new ue_01. Why is it?
The "echo" command can be used to test the current value of a variable:
> echo $new_ue_01
The result in the affected environment is "undefined variable".
Lines added in aleph_start need to be before the "exit" line. Here it is:
setenv due_date_format 1
setenv user_list_aleph_local Y
# Added by table conversion
setenv new_ue_01 Y
The Upgrade Express is placing the setenv's it is adding after the exit. This means that they are not in effect. Anything after the exit, will not actually be executed.
For other causes of aleph_start or aleph_start.private changes not taking effect see article Changes to aleph_start or aleph_start.private not taking effect.
- Article last edited: 1-Sept-2016