After tablespace full: record not found; response slow; results out of order.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
After upgrading from 14.2 to 16.02, three tablespaces (TS3D, TS3X, and TS4X) ran out of space. Since that time -- despite the fact that we have fixed the space problems --, we have been having various problems: record not found; response slow for certain records/indexes; or results out of order.
In each case the symptoms pointed to a possible problem with Oracle indexes.
In the cases with the xxx01 bib library, doing util a/17/4 (drop Oracle indexes), followed by util a/17/2 (build Oracle indexes) corrected the problem.
A problem with the pw_library was also corrected by re-doing the Oracle indexes.
But in the xxx50 ADM library, there were problems despite redoing the Oracle indexes. So we ran util a/19 (export library), followed by util a/20 (import library). After the util a/19 - 20, all the problems were fixed.
It seems that there was a problem in xxx50 with the Oracle tables themselves (as opposed to the indexes) which necessitated this export/import.
Suggested diagnosis: If there are problems with records: record not found; response slow; or results out of order -- especially following an Oracle upgrade and/or a tablespace problem --
check the Oracle indexes with util a/17/14:
if missing, do util a/17/2 to build;
if invalid, do util a/17/3 to rebuild;
if not missing or invalid, and **if the records show as OK in SQL**, then:
1. Run util a/17/4, followed by util a/17/2 to rebuild an individual Oracle index -- or, if widespread, use "All" to do the whole library.
2. If that doesn't work, then try util a/19 (check the log and $data_files carefully to make sure that it has worked! ), followed by util a/20. Note: Please consult Ex Libris Support before running util a/19 / util a/20.
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013