Aleph 22: Order details from previously viewed order display in acquisitions when pushing a new bib over from Cataloging
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Problem Symptoms:
Order details from the previously viewed order remain in the lower window when
* a new bib record is pushed from cataloging to orders in acquisitions
* a new bib record is pushed from brief list (find result) to orders in acquisitions
* an order record is deleted
This problem is corrected by v22 rep_change 82 (to be included in the June Service Pack, 22.0.2).
Current work around:
Close out of the current order, using the Clear Order/Serials icon in the upper right of Acq client, before moving over to the Cataloging module for the next order bib record
Category: Acquisitions (500)
Subject: Orders
- Article last edited: 5/21/2014