Aleph 22 is it possible to install Aleph 22 in a directory other than /exlibris (/exlibris-temp)?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
Problem Symptoms:
Is it possible to install the Aleph 22 application in parallel to an existing Aleph 20 application in a directory ./exlibris-temp by changing the parameters in the aleph installation kit configuration file param_bash.ini?
This is not possible.
-- Install Aleph 22 in the directory tree /exlibris.
-- Keep the default value of the variable $BASE in Aleph installation kit configuration file param_bash.ini.
Additional Information
All files of the following components need to be placed in the directory tree /exlibris:
-- Aleph software and configuration (a-tree and u-tree)
-- 3rd-party software products
-- Oracle software
Source of information:
Document " Requirements for Aleph 22 Installation Version 22", section "File System and Disk Space"
"A file system named /exlibris, with a minimum size of 40 GB, is mandatory.
It will be used exclusively for all software and configuration tables and files that will be installed by Ex Libris.
The /exlibris file system must be mounted directly to the server,
and cannot be a soft or symbolic link to any alternatively named file system."
Category: installation & Upgrades - ALEPH
Subject: AIK - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 7/14/2014