Arrivals, Invoice, Encumbrance, Order Logs Access Problem
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We can see that Z601, Z78, Z75, Z77, Z71 have data.
However, when we try to view the data from ACQ GUI, the system responds with an error saying we are not authorized to edit the arrivals, invoices, encumbrance, logger, etc and then shows us a blank record.
The staff user needed Order Unit/Sublibrary permission.
Order Units are always part of the system, the only question is are they set to actual order units or to sublibraries.
The Acquisitions system can be based on either order units or sublibraries, depending on the tab100 variable, USE-ORDER-UNIT. This variable determines whether the Acquisitions system works with order units or with sublibraries. It deals with the Budget's (Z76) order unit, the Vendor's (Z70) order unit, the order's (Z68) order unit and user-passwords (Z66).
If this variable is set to N, then each sublibrary is an order unit.
Other tab100 tables impact on the Order Unit setup/behavior, including:
* CHECK-ORDER-PERMISSION=N means that the order information is always displayed without relation to order unit or sublibrary.
* However, TWO-LEVEL-VENDOR=Y, among other things, means that the vendor and budget usage are checked against the order unit.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013