Attempting to both print and email overdue notices in Production
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I have been working on the emailing of overdue notices. We successfully implemented in DEVELOPMENT, so I made the changes this morning in PROD. The following has been changed to allow the printing and emailing of overdues:
* Created a new print id called "emailnpr" and activated it in the print daemon
* Changed alephcom\tab\print.ini to include the line about emailnpr 00 N B emailnpr.prn
* Changed alephcom\tab\alephcom.ini in the [PRINT] section so that NewPrintType=Y. Also changed [MAIL] to reflect the mailserver information
* Changed the ./ABC50/TAB/FORM_DESCRIPTION.ENG to reflect overdue-summary information
I restarted the server and I've closed the client several times to no avail. I CAN email patrons now when using the PRINT HISTORY --> PRINT CONFIG --> NORMAL --> PRINT SETUP = Y --> BOTH test. However, when I do that, I no longer can print.
I receive the message "Failed to print c:\temp\Aleph\~Aleph7362.html" (Sometimes it has a different number depending on which document I am trying to print).
If I leave the PRINT CONFIG in preview mode and do not attempt emailing, the document still gets sent to the printer.
If I change the PRINT CONFIG to normal printing, then it gives me an error message.
What do you advise? All aspects of this work fine in DEV; I have triple checked that everything that I've changed looks the same in both PROD and DEV; I am very open to direction, including checking again.
[From site:] I removed my existing client and downloaded ALEPH again. I re-established all connections and made my changes and now both the printing and the emailing works.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013