Avoiding automatic item arrival
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Desired Outcome Goal:
How to avoid automatic item arrival after adding a new invoice?
You can have the system automatically update the Arrival Form with the number of units arrived and date arrived, after the user adds a new Line Item to the General Invoice. To do so, go the client's ACQ/TAB directory and open the ACQ.INI file. Go to the section labeled [Invoice]. Following is an example of the relevant section:
If you want the Arrival Form to be automatically updated, type "Y." If not, type "N."
Additional Information
Note that even if the flag is set to "Y," the system will still ask the user to confirm that he wants the material recorded as having arrived. If the user chooses "Yes," the system will then update the Arrival Form. If the flag is set to "N," the system will not ask the user for confirmation, and will not update the Arrival Form.
Category: Acquisitions (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Invoices (500) - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 12/27/2013