Basic steps in Publishing (for Primo)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We want to create a tar file for use with Primo from our abc01 bib records. What are the basic steps for this?
You will need to:
Make sure that the abc01 tab_publish has a line for the PRIMO-FULL dataset with "MARC_XML" in column 5
Make sure that the abc01 tab_expand has a line for the expand specified in column 4 of tab_publish
Run p_publish_04 (in abc01) (to create the z00p) and then
Run p_publish_06 to read the z00p and create the tar files.
Start ue_21 in abc01 (for ongoing updating of z00p).
The z00p resides in the $usr_library.
You should do the initial run of p_publish_06 (in abc01) with:
"Range of Documents": 000000000 to 999999999,
Input File Name ... blank, and
Update Date Flag = Yes.
See KB 16384-9185 and "The Aleph Publishing Mechanism.pdf" on the Doc Portal for additional information.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013