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    Bib indexing generating Oracle Archive logs

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have a similar problem to what we experienced last summer, but the symptoms are a bit different.

    We ran a large load of records in production starting on Friday. The load spent time yesterday indexing.

    From everything I can see, indexing should now be completed. There are no records in any z07 table that I can find and no reason why indexing should be doing any work as far as I can tell. Yet, if the ABC01 word instexing programs are running, they are consistently doing something and generating lots of archive logs.

    We ran into this problem last year with a bad record which kept cycling through z07, but that does not seem to be happening this time. When indexing is stopped, no z07 records are being added to the table. All z07 tables continue to be empty in Oracle.

    I have turned ABC01 ue_01 off for now to allow investigation, but I need some assistance in determining whether we have legitimate activity going on or if we have some other rogue processing happening.

    Well, that seems a bit odd...

    After running into the problem described and shutting off ABC01 indexing, I looked over the usual locations for records still being indexed and still could not find anything going on. So, I went ahead and restarted the indexing. And, basically, no additional processing took place after that.

    So, I'm not sure what was going on. Except for a period where I shut down everything late last night for backups, there are regular archive logs up until I stopped things this morning (indexing restarted earlier in the morning). But, when I submitted this, there were no records in any of the z07 tables that I could see.

    Can processing go on in situations like this beyond where the z07 tables have "drained" out? If so, what is the best way to truly monitor indexing to be sure it is complete.

    As I understand it, the puzzling symptom you are seeing is something generating lots of archive logs even though the abc01 ue_01 is turned off. Correct?

    The problem could be other libraries/other daemons. Please do util c/1 in each library and stop any batch jobs or ue_nn daemons you see running.

    In order for us to diagnose this further, you will need to contact us at a time when the problem is occurring.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013