CNO-6 lacks "$$1" before first period
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
For a lot of our records, the CNO-6 is not properly made :
We see this :
CNO-6 L $$81Winter$$1NA
Instead of this :
CNO-6 L $$81$$1Winter$$2NA
If we update the course record in aleph, then the CNO-6 is alright. But is there a way to update this in batch?
The CNO-6 is being generated from the z108_period field....
abc50@ALEPH20> select Z108_PERIOD, count(*) from z108 group by Z108_PERIOD;
$$1Fall 67
$$1Fall$$2NA 218
$$1Fall$$2Summer 1
$$1Fall$$2Winter 9
$$1Fall$$2Winter$$3Spring 1
$$1Fall$$2Winter$$3Spring$$4Summer 1
$$1Fall$$2Winter$$3Summer 2
$$1Fall$$2Yearly 1
$$1Fall$$2Yearly$$3NA 2
$$1NA 1
$$1Summer 5
$$1Summer$$2Fall 1
$$1Summer$$2Fall$$3NA 1
$$1Summer$$2NA 18
$$1Winter$$2Fall 2
$$1Winter$$2Fall$$3NA 15
$$1Winter$$2Fall$$3Yearly 1
$$1Winter$$2NA 156
$$1Winter$$2Spring$$3NA 1
$$1Winter$$2Summer$$3Fall 3
$$1Winter$$2Summer$$3NA 1
$$1Winter$$2Yearly 1
$$1Winter$$2Yearly$$3NA 1
$$1Yearly 31
$$1Yearly$$2NA 1
Fall Winter$$1NA 6
Fall$$1NA 22
Summer$$1NA 1
Winter Fall$$1NA 1
Winter Summer$$1NA 1
Winter$$1NA 86
Yearly$$1NA 1
There is no way I can see to update these via SQL -- since we would not only need to insert the $$1 at the beginning, but also change the existing $$1 to $$2.
You can generate a list of the 118 courses which lack the initial $$1 with the following SQL:
SQL> select z108_rec_key from z108 where z108_period not like '$$%';
I suggest that staff take the output from this query and update each course in the GUI.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013