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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Can't correct Local Amount on general invoice record

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    In the acq module on the invoice tab, we have a net amount of 30 000 columbian pesos. The original currency was in USD dollars, we changed the currency of the invoice to COP (columbian pesos). The ratio is one canadian dollars for 0.0006 columbian pesos. The amount should be converted in canadian dollars at a price of 18 dollars canadian in the local amount. This is not the case.

    Looking in abc50, I see that the only z82 currency record for COP has a date of 20120411:

    01 z82_currency \
    02 z82_currency_name ...COP
    02 z82_date ............20120411
    02 z82_ratio ...........000000000600

    This means that transactions from 20120411 or later will receive this ratio, but transactions from 20120410 or earlier will receive *no* currency conversion.

    The LALI64575 invoice has a date of 20120220, so you need to have a COP currency record with a date of 20120220 or earlier.

    You need to do this:

    1. click on Admin (the pencil box)
    2. select Currency
    3. note the current currency ratio for COP
    4. in the "Enter previous date" box enter "20110101". The Currency Ratio Date in the bottom frame should now show: 20110101.
    5. enter the value from step #3 in the Currency Ratio box.
    6. click on Update

    You should find that you now get currency conversion on COP invoices from before 20120410 -- as well as those from 20120411 or later.

    Adding this z82 COP record corrected the problem:

    Z82 Z82_DATE Z82_RATIO
    --- ---------- ------------
    COP 19700101 000000000600 <--

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013