Can't kill Upgrade Express: "The Upgrade Express is currently running"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We tried to escape out of the ftping from v.17 to v.20 on our version 17 server and instead it began running without all the parameters set properly. We need to kill the job. It has been running for 18 hours. Where do we do that and how?
| Upgrade Express Utility 19.01 -> 20.01 Version 1.08 Source |
WARNING: The Upgrade Express is currently running.
0. Exit
-- 1. Define upgrade parameters
++ 2. Export customer data
-- 3. Transfer customer data to the target location
4. View logfiles
Please select [0]: 3
An Upgrade Express step is running in the background
Wait for an email confirmation to run this step
Press Enter to return to the Main Menu
You need to kill the processes generated by the step you submitted.
In this case, those are transfer_data and/or transfer_user_data.
"ps -ef | grep transfer" does not get any hits, so it seems that that process is not running.
If you had submitted "2. Export customer data", then you would need to do
"ps -ef | grep exp" and kill those processes.
In either case ...
The reason it says "WARNING: The Upgrade Express is currently running." is that there was a /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_1901_2001/upgrade.running file.
If you delete this file, the WARNING no longer appears.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013