Can't make default for "local patrons only" for initiator id be unchecked
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
As described in Article 000012560 ("user_list_aleph_local should be Y"), with the circ.ini set to:
and with "setenv user_list_aleph_local Y" in aleph_start, the "Local Patrons Only" checkbox appears as unchecked in the Circ module, but there is no way to do the same with the Acquisitions Initiator ID: the box always appears, by default, as checked.
Program defect.
Corrected by v21 rep_change 2474. In addition to getting the new acq.exe associated with rep_change 2474, in order to set the "Display local patrons only" box to unchecked as default, in the 'Initiator ID' dropdown of the Order Form, the following lines must be added to .\Acq\Tab\Acq.ini :
Additional Information
The new acq.exe will be included in the Dec. 2013 v21 Service Pack.
- Article last edited: 11/20/2013