Can I drag/drop HOLs to BIBs but restrict movement to specified sublibraries?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Is there a configuration of tab_move_record and permissions that enables drag and drop HOL to BIB but restricts the move to specified sublibraries?
Our staff currently move holdings from one bib to another by changing the USM01 system number in LKR $$b. We want to enable HOL drag and drop, but find that the move routine move_hol_items_to_bib only restricts by sublibrary when the holding has a linked item. Holdings without items can be moved without regard to OWN or sublibrary permissions.
Documentation for another move routine, move_hol_to_bib, says it "requires the following setup: ADM XXX60 XXX50". Does that refer to tab_move_record configuration?
Regarding "Is there a configuration of tab_move_record and permissions that enables drag and drop HOL to BIB but restricts the move to specified sublibraries?" - aside from move_hol_items_to_bib, there is no routine that restricts the moving of (itemless) HOLs from one BIB to another to specific sublibraries.
Regarding "Holdings without items can be moved without regard to OWN or sublibrary permissions" - I checked the code for the move_hol_items_to_hol routine and it doesn't reference the own code.
Regarding "requires the following setup: ADM XXX60 XXX50," this refers to lines in alephe/tab/library_relation. But library_relation only considers the ADM level (not the sublibrary).
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013