Can Very High Numbers in Assigned BIB SYS Numbers be Reset?
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
Due to a mistake (wrong fix routine for a match) in loading a batch of incoming BIB records from an authorities vendor, there is now a range of system records numbers that is very high: greater than 10 million.
The fix is supposed to assign numbers far above the standard to incoming records. Ordinarily those high numbers go away from the file once the match is made with the system record number. In this case, the batch got added as new records instead of overlaying.
Is there a way to reset this numbering?
Though the abc01 last-doc-number could be reduced, the effect, as described in Article "Automatic resetting of last-doc-number by system" (formerly KB 3961), would only be temporary.
It is possible that the correct_last_doc_number proc described in the above article could be disabled (changed to do nothing).
But there would still be the 12,000 records which have been loaded in this 10-million range.
"Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records" (manage-33) could be run to delete these high-numbered BIB records and the associated ADM, item, and HOL records, and physically delete the "stub" records as described in Article "Bib records loaded with incorrect doc numbers", (formerly KB 16384-22993).
Another site has created BIB records with keys in the 30 million range. See Article "Increasing bib library last-doc-number" (formerly KB 16384-8177). It was found that, though there are a large number of empty cycles, the indexing jobs, including the Words, run OK.
- Article last edited: 28-Feb-2016