Can patron list report be used to send patron membership expiration notices?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
I need to generate patron membership expiration notices. I find that the p_cir_05 Patron List job does have the parameters I need to generate a report, but this report only has a list of patrons that match the search criteria. How do I take those parameters and generate a notice that gets emailed to each patron?
I don't believe this can be done with standard ALEPH reports.
You could use the following SQL:
SQL> select z303_name, z304_email_address, Z305_EXPIRY_DATE from z303, z304, z305 where z303_rec_key = substr (z304_rec_key,1,12) and z303_rec_key = substr (z305_rec_key,1,12);
[You could select the Z304_ADDRESS_n fields instead of the email, if you want print letters.]
This way you will not need to look up the patron in ALEPH. You can plug these values into an email template or a Word doc to generate the letter.
Additional Information
SQL, expiration
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013