Canned Aleph OPAC statistics reports
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
Are there canned Aleph OPAC statistics reports which I can run?
util s/4/1 shows you the number of OPAC sessions for each half-hour period, over the past 24 hours.
The ALEPH Reporting Center (ARC) includes predefined OPAC Statistics reports.
The Z69 OPAC Events table (see Z69.pdf) can be queried by local SQL scripts. See the article SQL for OPAC statistics (using z69 OPAC-event table) .
The "Aleph www_server Log Analyzer" in the EL Commons Code Share [or, as of 2014, the Developer Network] at does the following: "Analyze www_server logs. Output includes number of events in each hour, average elapsed time per event, number of events that take longer than n seconds, percentage of events that take longer than n seconds, number of reply timeouts, number of network connection timeouts."
It could be that other scripts will be added to the Developer Network.
See the article SQL for OPAC statistics (using z69 OPAC-event table) .
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013