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    Caret signs in variable fields not being changed to blanks on export

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The caret signs in variable fields, such as the 010, 260, etc. are not being changed to blanks on export.

    fix_doc_space_char changes the tab100 DOC-BLANK-CHAR (typically the caret sign) to blanks. As delivered, it does only fixed fields. It *should* do exactly the opposite of what fix_doc_marc21_spaces does, that is, it should also change carets in the 010, 260, 310, 321, 362, 515, 525, 533, 76#, 77#, and 78# fields to blanks.

    As described in the System Librarian Guide - Cataloging -- tab_fix - fix_doc_space_char entry:

    In addition to the fixed fields, one can specify variable fields for which the change-to-space should occur. These are specified as parameters in tab_fix, column 3. For sites using MARC21 a typical tab_fix entry for use with p_print_03 would be:

    EXPRT fix_doc_space_char 010##,260##,310##,321##,362##,515##,525##,533##,76###,77###,78###

    Note 1: Though these parameters may be forced onto the next line in this display, they must be in col. 3 on the same line as the fix_doc_space_char parameter.

    Note 2: the maximum length of the column 3 for fix_doc_space_char is 100 bytes.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013