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    Cash 'by sublibrary' sort crashes circ client: "fetched column value is NULL"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We can crash the circ client by using the 'by sublibrary' button on the patron cash screen.

    I am able to replicate this with her user account (00000923), but not another, patron id 00000003).

    We see the following information in the pc_server log:

    PROGRAM : pc_cash_c0711

    Oracle error: io_z31_sub_library_list
    ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL

    Load: /LUN0/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc01/tab/tab_sub_lib_sort

    The io_z31_sub_library_list routine is trying to sort the cash records for this particular patron and finding some whose z31_sub_library field is null:

    SQL> select z31_rec_key from z31 where z31_rec_key like '00000923%' and Z31_SUB_LIBRARY is null;
    00000923 200001061637251
    00000923 200001070916293
    00000923 200001070945205
    00000923 200001070948064
    00000923 200001070949259

    5 rows selected.

    SQL> select z31_rec_key from z31 where z31_rec_key like '00000003%' and Z31_SUB_LIBRARY is null;
    no rows selected

    The following SQL shows that 7919 z31 records have a null z31_sub_library:

    SQL> select count(*) from z31 where Z31_SUB_LIBRARY is null;

    (The total number of abc50 z31's is 114444.)

    The z31_rec_key "... 2000...." indicates that these records are from the year 2000.

    I suggest that you use SQL to populate these Z31_SUB_LIBRARY fields with a valid sublibrary. (If you don't want to use an actual sublibrary, you could add a sublibrary "DUMMY" for ABC50 in tab_sub_library.eng and use that.)

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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