Certain locations not included in search results for certain videos
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
In the OPAC, (http://abc.edu:4505/F/?func=option-update&SHORT_NO_LINES=30&func=file&file_name=find-a&local_base=abcuadv) copies (certain locations) are not displaying for certain video titles.
In the GUI and Primo, Copies/locations display
Errors in tab_base.eng due to copying the file from v20 --> v21. Long lines were broken into separate physical lines, when they should have remained as single logical lines.
1. Correct line-breaks in $alephe_tab/ tab_base.eng
2. Restart the www_server using util w/3/3
Category: Web OPAC (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013