Changes in text for printouts of field item process status
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
Problem Symptoms:
For specific printouts (hold-request-letter) the text for Item Process Status OR, BD, BL, IP or CT should be translated differently.
File hold-request-letter.trn is missing
Create a file ./xxx01/form_lng/hold-request-letter.trn file for the translation of text in form hold-request-letter
Example xxx01/form_lng/hold-request-letter.trn
adding the following line for translating the statuses
item-p-statuses TEXT OR=On_Order BD=Bound CT=Cataloging
Additional Information
To implement a condition in the form, you will have to create a check in the *xsl file.
Please consult document The "XSL Creator" in
Documentation Center > Ex Libris Documentation Center > Aleph > Technical Documentation > How To > Printing
or any other document describing *xsl editing.
We usually do not support the creation of new *xsl files or special conditions.
- Article last edited: 15-May-2016