Changing default for “item is lost; do you wish to continue?” from "No" to "Yes"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Desired Outcome Goal:
Is there any way to change the default behavior for the “Item returned has been declared lost; do you wish to continue?” message that comes up in Return in the Circ client to "Yes"?
The current default is “No”, but we think this is causing some items to simply be acknowledged and not actually checked in.
This behavior is controlled by the GUI client.
1. Change the value in column 4 to 1 in the AL500\circ\tab\eng\message.dat file for the following line, as shown below:
LostReturn #Item Return YN 1 Q Item returned has been declared lost.\nDo you want to continue?
2. Close and re-open the circulation client for the change to take effect.
Category: Circulation (500)
Subject: Returns
- Article last edited: 10/10/2014