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    Changing subject headings using batch global change (p_manage_21)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We know that changing a subject heading in the GUI Browse Headings can change the associated bib records, but we don't have GUI access; we need to be able to change subject headings by batch jobs. How can we do this?

    If this heading is connected to an xxx10 authority record, you should change the heading in that associated authority record; the change can then be propagated to the bib records via the mechanisms described in KBs 4100 and 8192-2423.

    If there is no authority connection, for each string you want to change you need to:

    1. run p_ret_03 to retrieve the records containing the string
    2. create a ./files/xxxx parameter file
    3. run p_manage_21 to make the change

    Here are three examples:

    *Example 1:*

    1. retrieve records:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_03 USM01,ping1.js,wsu=Hygiene*Sexual > & $alephe_scratch/p_ret_03.0502.js.log &

    2. File "hygiene" in data_files:

    select 650##
    string-rep $$aHygiene, Sexual
    string-by $$aSexual health

    3. To test:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_21 USM01,ping1.js,pingout1.js,N,hygiene,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N,,MASTER, >& $alephe_scratch/usm01_p_manage_21.ping1b.js.log &

    3b. To actually make the change the "N,hygiene" to "Y,hygiene".

    *Example 2:*

    1. retrieve records:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_03 USM01,ping2.js,wsu=Cookery > & $alephe_scratch/p_ret_03.0502.js.log &

    2. File "cookery":

    select 650##
    string-rep $$aCookery
    string-by $$aCooking

    3. To test:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_21 USM01,ping1.js,pingout1.js,N,cookery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N,,MASTER, >& $alephe_scratch/usm01_p_manage_21.ping1b.js.log &

    3b. To actually make the change the "N,cookery" to "Y,cookery".

    *Example 3:*

    1. retrieve records:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ret_03 USM01,ping1.js,wsu=Literature*Comparative > & $alephe_scratch/p_ret_03.0502.js.log &

    2. File "literature" in data_files:

    select 650##
    string-rep $$aLiterature, Comparative
    string-by $$aComparative literature

    3. To test:

    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_21 USM01,ping1.js,pingout1.js,N,literature,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N,,MASTER, >& $alephe_scratch/usm01_p_manage_21.ping1b.js.log &

    3b. To actually make the change the "N,literature" to "Y,literature".

    Note: the preceding uses information from KB 31456.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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