Circulation History Summary Not Populated for xxx50 Items
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
Z35 events do not appear in the Item Circulation History Summary node in Circulation for xxx50. The history node of a specific record indicates that as of 21-Feb-06, there were 827 loans, and we see entries for event type 50 in the z35 table, but all categories in the Circulation History Summary are 0. This is true for all records we've checked in this ADM library.
The xxx50 library was missing Oracle indexes for Z35, so the software wasn’t finding any records when it tried to populate the History Summary table. We checked this via UTIL A/17/14 and created indexes with UTIL A/17/2. This should be checked for any other ADM libraries with suspect History Summaries.
Please note that the Current Summary tab shows a total of 834 loans for the item with barcode 31592004359070, while the History Summary tab only shows 542 “Simple Loans” no matter how far back you go in time. This is because the Current Summary comes from the Z36/Z36H tables where your earliest xxx50 record dates from 20040908 and the History Summary comes from the Z35 table where your earliest xxx50 record is from 20050112.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013