Circulation receipt prints as if trying to print regular 8 1/2 X 11 document
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
I've purchased an Epson TM-T88 printer which works correctly from the HTML Print utility, but when attempting to print from the Aleph circulation client the receipt prints as if it is trying to print a regular 8 1/2 X 11 document with the file name at the bottom of the printout - every print job is 11 inches long and is not centered on the narrow printer. I've been unsuccessful in locating documentation at Ex Libris. Has anyone made this work correctly who might be able to help me with the loan printer configuration?
[From Katharina Wolkwitz, Fachhochschule S?dwestfalen, on Global Aleph Users Discussion list:]
First, you must differentiate between printing from the GUI-Client via the standard-mode and via the preview-mode.
The standard-mode utilizes the settings made via the HTML Print utility and the path to those settings depend on your Operating System. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, the settings are in Aleph-18-Prod\alephcom\bin_v\HTMLPrint.ini and can be changed with the HTMLPrint.exe in the same directory. For OS before Windows Vista the path is Aleph-18-Prod\alephcom\bin\HTMLPrint.ini.
If you are using the preview-mode to print, you have to edit the print-settings of the Internet Explorer, as the preview is generated via the IE-engine.
[From Greg Joksch, University of the Pacific:]
Thank you everyone who replied. The piece I was missing was the preview mode. Once I set DefaultPrintConfig=0 in alephcom.ini the process worked correctly and used the settings in html-print.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013